View Full Version : heart pounding when trying to sleep

17-11-09, 22:41
hey everyone, does anybody have this? your laying down trying to sleep and its like your can feel your heartbeat all through out your chest... its freaky and makes it difficult to sleep.

18-11-09, 05:08
Yeah it's a weird sensation. I've had it for a while now. It's nothing to worry about though. Nothing is going to happen and no harm will come of it. It will most definitely go away on it's own.

18-11-09, 05:52
i get this all the time. For over a year now. Nothing wrong with my heart.

18-11-09, 06:45
I get it in my chest, my belly and my ears! I have to sleep with an Ipod and music playing so I cant hear it in my ears. Funny thing is my pulse is always below 60, usually in the low 50's.