View Full Version : Trying to pull it together

17-11-09, 23:59
About 45 minutes ago I started feeling wierd. The kids were running around and being somewhat stressful, and I was sitting on the couch and started feeling dizzy and then a wave of just not feeling right came over me. So I took my blood pressure, 138/83, much higher than my normal. So typically that set me off. I began to panic. I took it a few times and it has come down but I am still freaking out that something is wrong. I have no idea why the dizziness even started, whether it was anxiety or what. I hate this:weep: I took a klonopin and hope that settles me somewhat but I dont want to have a horrible evening.
Why can I not just get past this! I am so sick of it, it is ruining my life.

18-11-09, 00:33
I know what you are going through. Try to hang in there and know that it will pass and it's just panic. I know this is hard to do, because I suffer from disabling panic disorder. You are not alone!:)

18-11-09, 00:46
Thank you for your message, I am sorry that you suffer as well. I am so frustrated that I cannot get a grip on it at all lately. I had surgery alittle over a month ago and it has completely thrown everything off kilter. I figured by now I would be handling things better but I guess not.

18-11-09, 03:46
I can relate to how the panic just starts and everything goes straight down from there. I have been able to get a handle on it and get off of meds by reading several books about panic. Claire Weekes have written several and there is a good book by Asmundson about health anxiety. When I feel a panic attack coming, I say to myself that I recognize this as panic, not anything else, I let the feelings come and try not to fight them. Once you endure a couple of these you will gain the confidence you need to realize that while the panic still stinks, the attacks are not going to kill you. I certainly don't have anxiety beat but I am currently doing much better. Good luck and post here as much as you need.

18-11-09, 05:43
Thank you, I actually just got a book I ordered called Hope and Help for your nerves by Claire Weeks. I have only read a chapter so far but I am looking forward to reading it.
Thanks again. It really helps just to know there are people that can relate to what you are going through.