View Full Version : why me all the time

18-11-09, 07:27
well i started off with fluey cold type symptoms last week sore throat headache etc, now its fully blown up and my head feels like its gonig to explode im taking pain killers but could this be sinus ive had sinus in the past but nothing this painful, if i sneeze cough whatever my head is killing me , i cant breathe im in a panic my ha has gone sky high i dont know what to do im so worried about my head

18-11-09, 07:38
sounds like you might have a mild case of flu ,have you tried lemsip

18-11-09, 12:24
Try some sudofed they normally work wonders, could be sinusitis. Once you have it ot does come back, so my Doc says!!

Get a hot bowl of water, drop some olbas oil into it, towel over head, lean over the bowl and inhale!

Lots of fluid, sleep when you can

It sucks this time of year, I woke this morning with a stuffed up nose.

If it does not ease in next couple of days go to the GP

Get better soon