View Full Version : I swear im going to scream

18-11-09, 10:36
Hi all, i have no end of problem with my teeth had a crown fitted last month & woke up on Sat in agony with a tooth that too my knowledge has never ever hurt its the back 3 on the right top hand side. Its over the days got much better & i can now eat on it, but there is something thats not right with it. I can only describe it as a itch im my tooth when i bite or wobble it & loads of pressure. It doesnt actually hurt unless i bite really hard. Obviously i know the answer your going to give me is 'go to the dentist' but i am petrfied of the detist & she made me feel so bad for having a crown at 22 i really really dont want to go back. The tooth in question is already filled & i cannot see any holes. Any ideas what could be wrong? i will do anything to avoid going back but if its still bad on Friday i will go as i dont want to have to pay to see an emergency dentst over the weekend.


18-11-09, 12:03
Hi Tasha

Yup i have had crowns before and they do take a little bit to settle down. They feel very odd at first and even uncomfortable at times. If you are in pain then defo get it checked out though.


18-11-09, 12:16
Hi lisa thanks for your reply but the new pain isnt in the tooth thats crowned just ( well i assumed) a normal tooth. My crown is actually really good! xx

18-11-09, 15:08
Hi Tash. I know what you are going through as I have had no end of bother with my teeth since having a filling replaced two months ago. It seems that I am clenching my teeth due to the stress of it all which is giving me pain in my back teeth. It was waking me up in the night too. I'm afraid the answer is to go back and have it checked out. See a different dentist if you dont like your current one. She shouldnt make you feel bad as lots of people are afraid of the dentist and avoid going. They will do a few simple checks and if anything needs doing they will sort it out. It might turn out to be nothing like mine. Good luck, hope you get sorted.