View Full Version : hi im new.....can anyone help

18-11-09, 10:56
hi.....i came across this site while trying to find some help for anxiety....ive suffered from anxiety since i was a teenager but havnt had any panic attacks for years, unfortunatley for me i had the most horrendes one of all whilst driving my car last wednesday.....i did actually think i was going die....i know i have been stressed lately and have had some health issues that have been playing on my mind but im still convinced this is more than anxiety.......since the panic attack ive been left with a terrible headache that wont subside my head feels like its going to pop.....the doctor said its just a tension headache and may be related to the spondylosis of my neck but im not convinced......i feel so low at the moment and im starting to think ill never feel normal again what can i do....xx

18-11-09, 10:57
Hi clairabella

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-11-09, 11:55

It certainly sounds like anxiety
I used to feel bad for days after a bad attack, i think its the worry of getting another
it will pass it just takes a little time please bear with it and be patient

try not to worry x

18-11-09, 13:39
thanks for replying its much appreciated.......i am trying it just seems never ending at the moment.....i agree with what you say about worrying about having another i think thats my main fear!!..xx

18-11-09, 13:42
Thats how axiety works i think
just live in the "now" try not to worry about what might happen (hard i know) x

18-11-09, 13:47
yes its very hard to keep focased...i just read your post on symptoms of anxiety which was a bit reassuring.......so glad i found this site....xx

18-11-09, 13:49
You will find loads of support here x

18-11-09, 15:08
Hi Clairabella,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will give their support. I'm not sure what spondylosis of my neck is but it sounds painful. Many here suffer from tension headaches and I myself get migraines so I know how painful it all is. I'm so glad you found us.

Take care,


18-11-09, 15:17
welcome to nmp :welcome: