View Full Version : Fitness

12-11-05, 10:21
I was just wondering how many of you have a high level of fitness and still have anxiety symptoms? Apologies if people think it is too personal a question, it is just out of curiosity. Is the "healthy body, healthy mind" true? Personally I am very unfit and overweight so this is detrimental to my overall health anyway. It's really getting me down now and despite having a very supportive girlfriend I still can't get motivated to sort out my fitness, weight and most important of all the anxiety. But from today I am really going to change. I will do everything I can. Anyway, enough of me rambling what do you guys think of a link between anxiety and health/fitness?

12-11-05, 12:32
i am the most unfit person i know! Im not overweight, in fact im quite slim, but i do no exercise at all. I dont like the feeling of exercise it makes me anxious. Last year before a Uni ball i went to the gym everyday for 3 weeks, and i felt fantastic, i wasnt having anxiety problems at that time so dont know whether being fit and active would have helped with that, but i certainly felt brilliant.

I think if i was more active and had a good level of fitness then i would sleep better at night and make me feel generally healthier, in body and mind. I just need to get past the exercise thing!

Good luck with your fitness regime, you should post here every week and let us know how youre getting on!

Alice x

12-11-05, 13:02
Hi rhowes

Prior to this anxiety kicking off I was extremely unfit - didn't do anything at all! Since then however I have taken up keep fit and cycling and it does make a huge difference. Heres a topic I started up recently:-

Exercise! JFDI! - update No 2! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5601)

I am still having bad days (today being one to be honest!) but I'm getting there and the exercise helps enormously!

If you are considering it I would say go for it - without a shadow of doubt.

Take care

Rach xxxx

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)

12-11-05, 14:28
Exercise does really help without a shadow of a doubt as it uses up all that excess adrenaline.

See the thread 'Exercise and Panic attacks' by Trev.

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

12-11-05, 15:35
I try and do as much exercise as i can but i find it tough with all the DR doesn't seem to help much but i think it takes a while for the effects to accumlate.


12-11-05, 21:17
My panics stopped after changing my life and doing exercise and dieting.

I still swim a lot and it does help.


13-11-05, 11:04
Thanks for all your posts, it's certainly given me more encouragement. Day 1 went ok, I was a lot better than usual anyway. I like Alice's idea of posting regular updates that way i'm less likely to scive!