View Full Version : panic attacks

18-11-09, 13:53
hi all, im getting bad panic attacks and starting to find it more difficult to go out, as it starts to get worse as im leaving the house.

18-11-09, 13:54
Hi emma123

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-11-09, 13:59
hi sorry to hear your suffering....im also suffering badly at the moment from panic attacks its been a week now and things are improving slightly...i just try to remember that they cant harm me and its my bodies way of trying to protect me....hope you feel better soon......xxx

18-11-09, 15:10
Hi Emma,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get their support. I would try to get out, if for a little walk, every day so that you do not get housebound. If it is terribly difficult, find a family member or a friend to go with you. I do hope you feel better soon and glad you found us.

Take care,


19-11-09, 19:16
Hey Emma sorry to hear you are having panic attacks. I have had anxiety/panic attacks for around 4 years now. I am also finding it increasingly difficult to go out... even if it is just to meet up with friends. If you would like to talk sometime then pm me :blush: