View Full Version : on day 10 of citalopram and im so tired

18-11-09, 14:48

im taking 20mg of citalopram and im so tired. i used to be up till 4am not being able to sleep now im asleep by 1030pm till 7-8, i know this is good conpared to how i used to be up till 4/5am then sleep till 2pm but when i was on citalprom before i never had this, has anyone else noticed this?


18-11-09, 15:01
looks like you are sleeping the same amount
just at a more traditional time - i.e. night :)

surely that is a good thing

18-11-09, 15:05
yeah thats true maybe its because iv been like that for so long it feels weird to feel tired at 10 pm like normal people lol:yesyes:

18-11-09, 16:18

hope i didnt offend


18-11-09, 16:26
:yesyes:That sounds like bliss!:)

Seriously, though, citalopram can either make you more tired or cause sleep disturbances.
It does settle down, but actually, once it starts doing it's job, you'll probably sleep better simply because you're not so stressed.


mrs hopeful
18-11-09, 16:45
I am on 10mg citilopram and am was tired at the beginning of the week, but feeling less tired now, I think alot of my problem is boredom, I need to get a hobby or something to take my mind off things. The thing is I still have blips when I suddenly feel down again after a couple of months but don't like to increase the amount as dread that horrible feeling of being a zombie for a while, does anyone else find this?