View Full Version : Mental Illness or Brain Tumor

18-11-09, 15:26
I suffer with Health Anxiety as diagnosed by Mental Health professionals.

The problem is I always see the symptoms as a sign of serious ilness.

The thing i'm really struggling with at the minute is feeling unreal. I know it's depersonalization and is a really common symptom of anxiety and the fact that I focus on it will keep it going.

I just worry so much that it is a sign of serious mental illness. I'm scared i'm developing bipolar or schizophrenia. If i'm not worrying about the mental side i'm then thinking ahhh brain tumor.

Is depersonalization a part of more serious illness? I've been told that developing these more serious mental illnesses are not something I'd notice. Every time i've expressed concern about a brain tumor I've been checked ad they have no concerns.

I guess the tell tale sign is that I'm thinking bout symptoms and looking for things that could be wrong?


18-11-09, 17:42
I really don't want to have a brain tumor or a serious mental health issue.

I just want to live my life and be happy and be with my wife like she deserves. I love her so much.


18-11-09, 18:16
if your doctors have no concerns believe them they dont want anything to happen to you trust what they say start living your life dont let this illness win we all have to go on if not the world would stop ,,be strong for her and youy x

18-11-09, 20:03
Fully agree with gypsywomen. I was the same my problem was health anxiety and all the symptoms that went with it - I thought I had a problem with my brain. As soon as you start to think (convince yourself) it is 'only' anxiety things start to get better. In this world of suing people a gp isnt going to lie to you - if they thought there was a chance of something serious they would send you for investigation.

18-11-09, 21:25
Thank you both of you.

I've suffered with this since 2006. I've had periods where I've been absolutely fine. It's just got on top of me again recently.

It's the unreal stuff that feels the worst.

I've been physically ill with a bug and it seems to trigger th focusing on symptoms and looking on the net for stuff.

I've installed K9 web security which you can filter out any site categorised as health. This has helped in the past to stop me looking things up.


andrea thompson
18-11-09, 23:13
we all think like that hon...... i do it all the time.... apparently health anxiety and panic disorders are completly different from those other forms of mental illness like bipolar so dont worry cos thats not gonna happen and your dr has confirmed no serious illness so try not to worry.... its easier said than done but i just try to remind myself that its just anxiety and i am not gonna let it get the better of me... give yourself some time to relax and chill out.. it really helps me....

x x

18-11-09, 23:17
Thank you.

OTher tell tale signs are things like I've been in bed for a few hous now and I've been fine. My wife is asleep and I feel relaxed and not panicking.

If it were something really serious it just wouldn't switch off like that.

Thanks all!
