View Full Version : Question about TMJ and ear pain

18-11-09, 16:08
I clench my teeth/jaw a lot and suffer from TMJ, but for the last few months I have been suffering from ear pain. The doctor has checked my ears and says they're all ok, but as usual I'm worrying!

My question is this, can TMJ make your ears hurt (I refuse to google!) It also hurts behind my earlobes and down my neck when I press there on both sides.

Any insight will be gratefully received...

18-11-09, 20:49

18-11-09, 23:30
Yes it can. I get ear pain that's worse when I'm chewing and yawning etc. Doctor said my ears are fine so it's probably due to TMJ as I have a dodgy jaw. =]

19-11-09, 08:27
Hi. I have the same problem. My ears and my teeth are hurting as well. Its all connected.

20-11-09, 02:01

Absolutely .. More than you can ever know. I have had TMJ for years and experienced the worse ear aches ,head aches, hearing my pulse ,hearing high pitched whinning, my neck hurting , my head hurting in all directions , my face hurting , my nose hurting. TMJ is wretched and you can expect many things that it causes.. But at least we have a reason to have those things and they aren't just anxiety ..With you .. yes yes yes for sure I can assure you its TMJ. Michael