View Full Version : was it a panic attack??

12-11-05, 11:09
Hi everyone

I have been a member of this forum for a while and for most of this year have been in recovery. I have had the odd blip, but i am so much better now to a year ago - or at least I thought.

I sat at work yesterday and all of a sudden came over really dizzy and spaced out. My immeditae thought was " oh jesus I'm going to faint " which i know is the wrong thing to do. But this really caught me off guard! I manage to sit this feeling out and of course nothing happened.
But later that day i was having my nails done and it happened again, this time i was obviously with a stranger and my immediate thought again was I'm going to pass put. I felt really dizzy and spaced out and this time short of breath. My main anxiety is that of my heart. I really fear that I am going to die of sudden adult death thingy, and that i have a ryhthm problem that nobody has detected yet.

Until now i was really starting to deal with this as i had not had any major symptoms for ages. Do you think this was an out of the blue panic attack that i managed to control. If so i can't think what caused it. I was not anxious or anything prior. OR DO YOU THINK I REALLY DO HAVE A HEART RYHTHM PROBLEM???? i had an ecg last dec - no probs. and last april no problems and feb 05 - no problems.

I'm really at a loss. The rational part of my brain is telling me it was a panic attack, but i don't know what caused it. The other panic side of my brain is telling me it was my heart??


12-11-05, 11:37
Hi Hun

Sounds to me like you have had a mild wave of anxiety on both occasions that could have turned into a major panic attack but through your recovery you have learnt that you can overcome them.

It is horrible when we have been doing so well and this happens but i honestly think it was temporary blip.

How are you feeling now hun?

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

12-11-05, 11:38

Sorry to hear you are having a tough time right now. The fact that you have had so many tests that have shown no problems probably means your heart is fine - you seem to know this deep down anyway.

Sometimes panic attacks seem to come out of the blue although there probably is a reason if you dig deep enough. Maybe it was because of the new situation? Maybe it was something that happened a while ago that is just surfacing?

I only have panic attacks when faced with my phobia but I had one about 3 weeks ago for absolutely no apparent reason. Like you, I am so much better than I was so I was quite disheartend at it, particuarly as I had never had one before without it being about my phobia.

I think you handled it brilliantly considering. I too immediately had all the wrong thoughts rush through my head but tried to ignore them. Also managed to sit it out and then carry on, feeling safer in the knowledge it had happened and I had dealt with it.

I think my point (if I have one!) is that if you know deep down it was caused by panic then maybe you need to see if you can get to the bottom of the panic again. But as long as you can handle it, which you can, you will be fine.

Take care.

Tammy x

12-11-05, 11:55
Hi Purdybird,

Yes that was an attack of the anxiety monster rearing its ugly head, it does that every so often to try to catch us unaware, but by staying positive and not letting it get to you will really help, once it knows it that, it will soon depart again, don't let a 'blip' stop you on your road to recovery hun.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

12-11-05, 11:58
Whatever it was, panic or noty you dealt very well with it. I don't think its rhythm related as dizziness may be one symptom out of several that would have been present too.

Many 48 hr viruses present with initial dizziness so you may just be brewing a cold.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

12-11-05, 12:10
Hi all and thanks for your comments. Do you think it could be hormonal? I am do a period in a few days, could this cause an out of the blue panic attack?

I just can't work out why i should have a panic attack now. I am so much better - approx a year ago i was hardly eating, worrying about the future etc and having to work really hard at going out of the house to strange places and in a bit of a state really. I am so much better, i just can't understand it![Sigh...]

Meg, i know i probably shouldn't ask this but what other symptoms would present in the event of a rhythm problem, it would really help me get rid of this irrational thought every time if i knew.

thank you

12-11-05, 12:28
Hi there

Sounds very much like a panic related symptom to me, the kind I always used to have in Sainsbury's. I, too like you have been feeling better until I had a bit of a blip 3 weeks ago which seems to have sent me spiralling again.
I am sure this is just a blip and you handled it well by facing it head on.

Take care

Elaine x