View Full Version : How Long?

18-11-09, 17:07

I was just going to enquire as to how long people have had their HA for? I only ask as i'm scared i might be abnormal, which is making me think i really have done something/given myself a bad disease. I have been worried about MS constantly for the last 4 months or so? All the time, all of the day. Im so stressed out about it. I have been to the doctor so many times, and he has given me some beta blockers. . .whixh i haven't taken yet! Im just so scared i will give myself MS by being so stressed all the time. Any advice owuld be great. Thanks.

18-11-09, 17:14
Since Dec 08

18-11-09, 17:21
Hi Ive had mine for a few months now it all started when I got my letter to go for a smear test and it has gotten worse ever since. I have had HA before but that was years ago I was convinced I had meningitus and kept checking for a rash but I didnt have it and felt a bit silly a few weeks after. I find if I can keep myself occupied and take my mind off my health I do feel better. Also dont google any symptoms I became addicted to doing this and it only makes you feel worse. :)

18-11-09, 17:25
many people on here have had t 10 years some only a few months if the doctor has prescribed you propranolol he must think its ok for you to take them there very good for panic they stop the adrenaline gland working overtime ,,that's what cause panic i have taken them for 5 years there ok ,dont worry ,there not like a drug that knocks you out you can still function was a nurse for 15 year and i took them ,as for ms stop worrying it makes things so much worse x

Cell block H fan
18-11-09, 17:28
About 18 years now. Have had some worry free years in between though here n there.
Try the betablockers. I was given those once due to being in a right state about HA when it first started. They might help you x

18-11-09, 17:30
Thanks for all the replies. That was quick! One more question, is it ALL THE TIME with you guys or not? Maybe I just need to try harder to relax and get it off my ,ind, I just haven't been able to, or not able to let go. Anybody else like that? Thanks.

18-11-09, 17:36
At first it was all the time but if you make a big effort to take your mind off it it does work and you do feel better. My doctor said the best thing is excersize because your mind doesn't wonder as much whereas if your watching tv or reading I find my concentration starting to go for a wonder. :) I also find that when I start to feel anxious I tell myself that Im fine over & over and it does calm me down (obviously if your out and about you may not want to do this outloud lol) xx

18-11-09, 17:36
yes think we all at some point ,but you must try and concentrate on other things music ,or a good book helps

20-11-09, 08:51
Hi there. I must have had it for over 20 years in some form or other although I didnt realise what it was in the early days. It got a lot worse for me after having my kids 12+ years ago and I've had quite a few bad times since then. And like you, when I am suffering I think about it 24 hours a day. On the positive side, I have had long periods of time when I have been fine. Its awful to be feeling like this as I just withdraw and seem to put my life on hold until its over. Take the tablets as they might calm you down and if they dont agree with you just stop taking them. I wish you the best of luck.

agent orange
20-11-09, 17:17
around 8 years and i have been diagnosed with a somatoform disorder.

margaret jones
20-11-09, 17:26
I think HA is not as rare as we think and most of my friends have some HA at times it is natural to worry at times i think we let it take over us and become obsessed with it and in the end all the worrying about illness is wasted time when we could be enjoying ourselves free from HA mine has been present since i had children but lots of time i am free from it usually when i am busy in my daily and social life

Take Care Margaret