View Full Version : Panic Attack Or?

agent orange
18-11-09, 17:29
I felt quite weird this afternoon. I have the usual symptoms, which I will not list here. I was my works Annual meeting, when I had a flutter in my sternum, just 1 flutter then I went hot from the neck up. afterwards I felt hot and very odd for 15 mins. I checked my pulse and it was not racing, I think I shook a little and my legs went weak and I thought I was going to pass out. I was o.k after a while except for weak legs. I went into the walk in clinic, had my pulse checked, my blood pressure taken and she the nurse gave me an ecg to check my heart because of the flutter, all was ok, the heart was a bit pulsing. I had not eaten much, I did have a strong coffee earlier in the day and a couple of gulps of coke. I too have been quite stressed and anxious because of my Somatoform disorder.
Does this sound like a sort of panic attack?

18-11-09, 17:31
yes very much so the coke and coffee wont have helped ,try and eat something in the morning

agent orange
18-11-09, 17:48
Is it common to flutter, oh i felt very weird and even now several hours afterwards I am not quite right.

18-11-09, 18:11
it will make you feel shaky its a shock to the system when we panic try to relax you will be fine but remember to eat in future xxxx

agent orange
18-11-09, 18:44
I had written that my heart was racing but when i checked it was not racing....

18-11-09, 19:27
I've had heart flutters and they are petrifying. My doctor said it was a common anxiety symptom.

18-11-09, 19:49
The flutter will not have caused the other horrible symptoms...the anxiety/panic will have set these off. You have had it all checked out so you should be reassured. It takes a wee while to fully recover from a severe panic and I always feel a bit "wobbly" or washed out for a day afterwards. Hope you feel better soon. X

18-11-09, 22:50
If I dont eat and have even the slightest bit of caffeine I feel awful. My heart flutters like its trying to figure out a rhythm and I feel horrible which brings on the anxiety and the panic. After I experience an attack or even a period where I feel off, I am usually feeling awful the rest of the day. Off, tired, just not right.
Hugs to you. Make sure you eat something, you dont want a low blood sugar level or something making you feel wonky.

andrea thompson
18-11-09, 23:05
hi hon

this sounds exactly like a panic attack..... one little symptom caused prob by stress and then all those horid feelings kick in.... i generally feel pretty rotten for a while after a panic attack... give yourself some ectra time to relax.... try to chill out and try not to worry... take care

x x