View Full Version : Who am i ?? And what do i want from life??

Desprate Dan
18-11-09, 17:49
Dont know if anyone can relate to this, i do hope so because i feel as though i am the only person in the world that feels like this...:weep:

It feels as if i have just woken from a dream and as if life has passed me by, all my friends are settled down and have a purpose and a aim in life, were as i have no ambition to be anything, i feel i dont know who i am were i am going or what will become of me, i dont feel anything at all......
And this is freaking me out, i think i have just realised i have grown up and come to a dead end....:shrug: I just dont know who i am or what i want from life and what purpose i have...

I am currently doing CBT but i havent told her about this feeling, i dont know why i guess i am frightened to tell her how i really feel inside, i am ashamed of myself i think i am wasteing my CBT i dont think i have many lessons left.. The girl is lovelly i think thats why i find it so hard to tell her, i cant stop myself from saying i am fine thankyou just feeling a bit down. I find it easier to talk to the doctor, i think i need to tell him how i feel, because medication cant solve this i have to find the real me, or am i just going crazy.....:wacko::wacko:

So Sorry


18-11-09, 18:00
Dan i feel exactly the same. Since school i havent known what i want to do, i went to college doing retail and come out of it into retail but im bored, i dont know what i want to do, i have no ambition, i have no idea what i want to do or become. Ive felt like this for 16 years and im still in the same position now i was then - i have no goals, cant come up with any, dont know what i want from life or where im going so i can totally relate to what your saying

18-11-09, 20:40
I feel the same way alot. Don't fell ashamed at all its part of your story. to get the must out of your CBT you need tobe honest...you put your feeling down so well on the post..you'll feel better doing it!! stevie j.

18-11-09, 20:42
P.S. Frist rule to being crazy, is you don't know your crazy! think about it...

19-11-09, 02:27
i have the feeling of being lost, think it is something similar. I kind of know roughly what i'm aiming for but then i doubt myself, become confused and seem to end up nowhere. I've started to try new things, i'm trying to think of it as being like an adventure or a challenge. Maybe you could do this, could give you an idea of what you would like to do, or could rule out things. I started by enrolling in a course. Turned out i loved it so now looking at things related to that. I know things don't happen over night but it is a start. X

19-11-09, 21:13
Hi Dan,

I think you have some great advice there. Enroll in a course. Something you're interested in. It's the best thing I ever did.

I have exactly the same feelings as you're describing and it's really hard to tell someone. You can only do it when you're ready but maybe you could write it down and show your therapist? That way you're making her away of them but not having to say it. I know it can feel like they're 'crazy' thoughts but they're not. Hopefully your therapist can help you make sense of them.

Good luck!

20-11-09, 00:17
Wow Dan,

You hit the nail on the head.Im 55 and retired early ,lucky I guess in someways but I feel exactly as you do even at my old age im still waiting to see what I'll be when I grow up. Talk about bizarre sounding.. Yes I see my friends doing things they planned and I see them having a life and I see myself living my life and life passing me by.

But the bad thing is ..I have pretty much already had my life but my wife keeps telling me im young. Ok Im still young then why don't I travel the million plus miles a year I used to .Why is it when I think of going anywhere away from the God forsaken place it makes me tired ,although the desire is there , the feeling ot being able to is above me. I get tired just thinking of going to town..Pathetic ..lol . Hope you don't feel this way at 55.. Geez. Its unbelievable that we both feel exactly the same.

Im tired and don't want to do many of the things I used to. I love to fish and love to hunt , I don't do either anymore. I used to be so much in to technology because its been my life for the last 25 years . I was the best and the best of what is technology and knew my stuff ,now I hate to even bother with programing a remote or even using those hostile new gizmo's that are suppose to be phones.. Now that makes me tired even thinking about it.

Then I see men that are in their late 60's out building barns and corrals and hauling cattle and riding horses up into the mountains and doing things I could of done and im just 55 and too tired to care about any of it or do any of it and it makes me feel bad that im sitting here wasting away and can't do anything about it.

My mind has me prisoner and I feel helpless and confused about the rest of my life. I do understand ,believe me I really do,.. but at least you have a chance you are still young and can afford to have hope. Me , im not sure whether to just lay down and call it quits or bust a gut and get after it. Im sorry all of this post has made me even tired now lol. Take care and know you aren't alone .. no matter what age..

20-11-09, 00:42
Dan I too feel like I have come to a dead end. My daughter's grown and gone. I'm divorced. I have a house I don't want to live in but I don't know where I want to go. I have time on my hands but I can't think of anything I want to do. Trying just makes me feel tired.

I do know that CBT therapists are in short supply and you are fortunate to be having a course of therapy. It's to help you, so don't waste it. You may not get another chance. If you can't say what you feel, maybe you could print out this thread and take it with you to your next session. If you can't tell your therapist, please do talk to your doctor. Maybe he would write to the therapist for you. Good luck.