View Full Version : Boredom a Trigger?

18-11-09, 17:59
Hi all,

After having a couple of better days this afternoon I have been pretty bad with my anxiety. I keep trying to think what kicks it off, but the main thing I can think of is boredom! I was very quiet in work today and with nothing to do, my mind starts to tick over, and in anxiety overdrive! Its so annoying after the last couple of days of progress have jumped straight back. I'm back to feeling like I'm in a bubble with my thoughts at the forefront and everything else at the back of my mind, meaning I struggle to concentrate on anything. Anyone else have similar feelings?? I just wanna be back to the old me of 12 months ago!! :-)


18-11-09, 20:25
Is it actually Boredom?? Are you pushing the barriers at work? If so, you could be burning yourself out. Ease back off the throttle before you do the same as me.

I burned myself out (previous thread) becasue I didn't know when or how to say 'No' to the point that when I now try to do 'nothing' I feel kind of bored and guilty in that I think I should be doing something which increases my anxiety which make me tired and puts me in a vicious circle.


19-11-09, 02:56
i'm job hunting at the moment and i currently feel very stressed and anxious. I have so much time on my hands and so little to do and it makes me feel guilty. My voluntary work gets me out a few hours a week but i can rarely afford to do other things. I sit around worrying about how i'm going to get a job and what other people think about me being unemployed. Boredom dominates my life at the moment, and i think it does have a part to play in my anxiety. If you are bored at work have you thought about a change in jobs or career? Maybe planning something during the quiet periods at work could serve as a diversion? X

Desprate Dan
19-11-09, 04:43
I can relate to this, my job is very boring indeed i sit with only myself for company for 9 hours and watch a machine and press the odd button from time to time, i have far far to much time to think my mind wanders sometimes to places i dont want to be and this sets off my Anxiety and Panic, i have tried mindfulness and i seem to of got most of it under control, but i keep getting the thoughts "Who am I" "What Do i want from life" and i cant answer these thoughts but i feel i shouldnt dismiss them as i need to find the real me, if when these thoughts come into my head i switch them off by thinking of other things, surely i will never get to the bottom of this.. I just feel so lost as if i have know direction or purpose in his life...:weep:.

19-11-09, 21:06
I can completely empathise with this! I hate having nothing to do or being bored at work when you have time to think about things you can't find answers for. I've become extremely depressed during times when I've been off work (I work academic terms) or job hunting. I hate it. I was asking about voluntary work and extended hours today to prevent the problem. They thought I was insane!

20-11-09, 00:28
Being bored or stressed triggers me. I can be busy and stressed and anxious.