View Full Version : Anxiety Striking All Day Off and On? WHY?

19-11-09, 00:53
I have pretty much been without anxiety over the last few months.

A few months ago I went to the doctor to get a refill of anxiety meds
because I decided I would quit them and when I did I caused myself
more anxiety by reading about the withdrawals when I was actually
out of the time of withdrawals..

Everyday I have been peaceful and not anxious and determined not to let every little thing bother me. So far its worked. Yesterday I got up and ate
my breakfast and started feeling anxious for no reason.

I got up to go feed my dogs and found one of them dying. I was upset but
very strong in getting her to the doctor but she died anyway. I have been upset today by this but not anxious, but I awoke again feeling anxious and
I am feeling that way even now. Im not sure of just what set it off but
I can't seem to escape it. All day as I was feeling this I would get up and get out and the anxiety would leave for a bit but its dark now and it seems to have settled in too.

Lately I have been on a stronger beta blocker which I think was over prescribed for me because of high blood pressure at the doctors office.
I wasn't sure I needed the extra med because I got really tired and fatigued and out of breath and had some issues in other ways.

I called the doctor to ask if i could just monitor my blood pressure at home and take a lower dose of meds just to make sure I had high blood pressure.

I finally got in touch with the doctor and she reluctantly agreed but said I had to call the readings in every week for three times a week. I suppose all of this is maybe a contributing factor with my anxiety..I worry I should have never started taking this med and it worries me that it affected me in some negative way.

We just went outside and its only 34 degrees and I was freezing with two coats on and my hands and face were so cold. I just can't believe that I was so cold .In past years even at 8 and 5 degrees and even lower I have never gotten so cold. I really believe all this has to do with the meds that I have been taken that was too strong for me. Its funny I have been going to this doctor for over three years and my bp has always been high and I told her I got really nervous..

She always said it was just because I had white coat syndrome .Now when I went back and I was really panicking she made a strong point to say I had high blood pressure and the nurse as well stressed that I had high blood pressure. It scared the heck out of me and I can't get it out of my mind.

Im wondering if all these thoughts about high blood pressure is making me have anxiety .I don't know why its really sticking in my head now ,it has never really bothered me before and another thing ,why in the world would the doctor all of a sudden be so sure I have high blood pressure when she has never really paid attention to it in the past.???

I don't get it .. I am really worried and think this has affected me in every way you can . In my mind and my body its got me extremely wound up. I hope they are wrong about my blood pressure , I don't want to go through life with problems with ED because of bp meds..