View Full Version : Zoloft and Costochondritis

19-11-09, 01:18
Hey, folks...

I've been on Zoloft a little over a month; and the psychiatric benefits have definitely kicked in (happier, no more suicidal tendencies, depression almost vanished). Not bad, really. But I still have a lot of problems with panic attacks, and I think it's because of Costochondritis/Tietze Syndrome symptoms; though admittedly that's a self-diagnosis. (I also drink tons of Red Bull, and that could be contributing to this.)

I read that it's really bad for people who are taking Zoloft if they have fast heart rate or chest palpitations, so today I begged my psychiatrist to let me stop taking Zoloft and get me on something else. I am just SO sick of the 24/7 elevated heart rate, blood pressure, and pain all over the left side of my chest (where heart and lung are).

He refused. He pointed out, actually very logically, that I had these panic attacks and Costochondritis symptoms before I ever started Zoloft. He IS actually right about that.

Then I asked him if he would prescribe something for the Costochondritis, like one of these:

- Celebrex
- Flexeril
- Indocin
- Skelaxin
- Ultram
- Vioxx

He refused.

Instead, he wants me to keep taking Zoloft; and he prescribed Lorazepam (Ativan) for me to take on an "as needed" basis. He wants to rule out the possibility that my (24/7) chest pains and elevated heart rate/blood pressure aren't due to anxiety. He also pretty much confessed that he thinks almost ANY physical symptom can be attribute to anxiety.

I totally disagree with that. I DO think that there are conditions that are COMPLETELY physical and basically structural problems with the body (like Costochondritis or chondromalacia).

Any thoughts? I'd love to hear from anyone with side effects with Zoloft, particularly panic attacks and chest pains. Also, would DEFINITELY like to hear from people with costochondritis, especially if you've taken Zoloft.


28-03-16, 02:24
I actually was on cipralex for about 4 months a 2 years ago. When i was coming off of it i felt something weird in my chest, like almost like bubbles or grinding. For a year now ive had costochondritis. Worst ever. They must be related to one another. I am a 26 year old man. Ive read alot about how zoloft and ecxilopram cause costochondritis, or at least could possibly be related.