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View Full Version : I needed an escape tonight.....

19-11-09, 05:17
........and I found this which calmed me......

The welsh have wonderful singing voices but their music is truly just as beautiful!:hugs:


19-11-09, 12:07
Thank you Bill..that was so lovely!

19-11-09, 12:41
A lovely track Bill. It's good that you find solace in music. It always helps me to feel less alone when I remember that others must have experienced feelings similar to mine to have written it.

margaret jones
19-11-09, 13:22
Bill that was lovely calmed me down will listen to it again

Best Wishes Margaret

19-11-09, 17:21
That was lovely Bill. Thank you :flowers:

20-11-09, 04:06
I'm glad you enjoyed that as much as me.:hugs:

When I'm sitting here alone at night, I love watching and listening to vids like that on youtube. They take me to another world where just for a few mins I feel I can relax and forget all my troubles for a short while.

Maybe you'll enjoy this one too. An older piece of music but very relaxing and beautiful pics to match. I enjoyed it so I hope it'll help you too.:hugs:


Desprate Dan
20-11-09, 05:03
Thanks Bill, i was getting stressed as i am going away tomorrow and that really heped to calm me down..



22-11-09, 19:30
I'm feeling in need of an escape every night now but I'm struggling to find a way. I wouldn't say that I'm feeling under any greater pressure than usual though. It's just I think I'm feeling weaker to keep the baying hounds away but I'm not sure why.

There's half of me that just wants to shut myself off from everything- nmp, home and people because things just feel all too much. I'm always feeling very alone, nothing ever changes, I can't find any purpose and living just feels like daily hassle. However, the other half me keeps telling me if I do shut myself off, I'm going to feel even More alone and Still face daily hassle with no purpose in my life so I feel I won't win either way but I fear that the more I post, the more depressing I'm becoming and I don't want to depress others with my minor issues compared to theirs but I know if I stop posting, I also let go of people I care about and I'll also be letting go of myself.

I just want to find purpose to my existence and a reason to keep surviving but I just feel so empty All the time and I've No idea how to fill it anymore. I feel like the weather- it's dull and overcast all the time and it never stops raining but I'm living with the very slim hope that one day I'll see a glimmer of sunshine on the horizon again but the winter feels everlasting and maybe the sun with it's warmth and light will never rise again.....and if not......how will I keep surviving to do what I really want to do- continue trying to help others? That I feel is my puzzle but maybe the puzzle is beyond my control and only time will decide my fate.:shrug:

22-11-09, 19:52
I could have written your post myself at the moment.
We do have different circumstances but we are both "prisoners of our own making" so to speak, I cannot walk away from mine any more than you would walk away from yours.
I can't see much light at present, I'm being battered by circumstance and all the positive thinking isn't going to cut it, in fact I am hardly thinking, I'm just "doing" because that is what needs to be done.
I don't have an answer but I know that I should not leave here because I can't talk to anyone else, you know how I feel about professionals.
I know I need to hang in there and so do you..we don't know if things will change but while there is another dawn, there is a chance that we will feel a small amount of strength and peace.
