View Full Version : citalipram 2nd time round.

19-11-09, 10:36
Hi all,
I remember reading somewhere (it was a medical point of view) that anti d"s like citalipram are more effective the second time of using them. I just wondered if anyone else had heard that, and Id be interested to hear anyone elses experiences, having stopped taking them and then going back on them. Did they work better, or worse, faster or slower etc.

19-11-09, 16:12
Hi there,

I was on Citalopram four years ago, and found my effective dose was 40mg. All I had until I hit 40mg was horrible side effects, and then bang, at 40mg they really started to work for me.

This is my 2nd time around and this time I've started on 10mg for two weeks, and this week is my third week, and first week on 20mg (4 days in).

I definitely noticed them working straight away, and quicker this time. 10mg alleviated some of the absolutely worst symptoms within a week, I became less worried about losing control, more able to cope. I don't know if perhaps this might be just because I knew I was doing something to help msyself though...

At 20mg I have begun to sleep again (whereas previously I was waking up 5 or 6 times in the night, getting only a couple of hours of sleep). I am more up for doing things, more sociable already, and generally less anxious and many of my physical symptoms are subsiding.

By no means am I "right" as yet but I am REALLY hoping that this time I'll be able to stop at 20mg rather than go all the way to 40mg, as on 40mg I found the drug completely put a stop to some of the more intimate aspects of my relationship ;) I'm going to give 20mg another 3 weeks to see the true efficacy of this dose.

So there you have it. Hope that helps.


20-11-09, 13:54

I haven't heard anything about that but I'd be interested to know other people's experiences too.

1st time I was on it for 7months (Jan 09-July 09), came off because I thought I was "cured" / felt that it had lost its effect.
I remember really, really terrible side effects - headsplitting headaches, nausea, dizziness, spaciness, increased obsessive thoughts...

I'm on them for the 2nd time now and it's only been 3 weeks but the side effects have been much more tolerable - no headaches, only slight nausea and heightened anxiety and obsessive thoughts for the first week...

They seem to be working faster... but it could be due to other factors... I've been found it faster to get my head straight now.

20-11-09, 15:48
I was given them again third time . This time only 10mg .Ha vent had any side affects yet oh apart from the sore jaw. have to go out tonite going to have a glass of wine or two. think i should be OK with 10mg. i hope.