View Full Version : Very bad...please help

19-11-09, 10:43
Hi All

Really need to reach out at the moment, to find something to hang on to as i feel i'm drowning. Day 8 of seroxat, my panic and depression are out of this world....having very black thoughts...wish i could disappear. Was just talking to the samaratans because i don't want these thoughts to take hold...never felt this bad. Doing mad things like pacing up and down and rocking on the floor.

Any words of support would be welcome

19-11-09, 11:45
Hi Bexie. I'm so sorry you are feeling this bad but you are doing the right thing by speaking to the samaritans and coming on the forum.
You aren't doing mad things by pacing up and down or rocking on the floor.
I to had a awful panic attack this morning but mine has left me so exhausted I can hardly move. Like yourself though when I am in the grips of an attack I can't keep still.
Do you take diazepam? I sometimes take these just for a day or so to get me through a really bad time.
Mybe you need to talk to your doctor again, just so he or she can give you something to help until the seroxat works.
In the mean time remember you are not alone and there are always people here that understand what you are going through.

19-11-09, 11:59
Thanks Erin

I do have diaz...but i hate taking them because of fear of addiction, rebound anxiety. I usually don't move around when i panic so it's good to know others do..thanks. Sorry to hear you too are having a bad morning....You're really good for replying to me.

Wishing you peace and solice

19-11-09, 12:01
hey bexie,

i think your doing the right thing going to samaratans, but dont you have any friends or relatives that you could confidein hun?
i always find it easier when im feeling the way you are i always prefer to confide in friends and family than an almost complete stranger.

im sorry to hear that you are having a rough time at the moment and i hope that you get better soon. i know it is a hard tie but you have every one here at NMP to look after you now,

we are all family here.




jackie xxx
19-11-09, 12:39

dont worry i've been there, im actually off seroxat now, I was on it for 10 years, Ive done the shaking, pacing the floor, horrible thoughts but Im ok now there are loads of other options there to help(and Ive done them all!) I know the way you are feeling, youve just got to help yourself (it took me along time to help myself) but like I said im ok now and you can be to! :bighug1:What other things are you doing or taking to help yourself?, the thing that prob helped me the most was visualising my panic attacks as a silly character that I wouldnt let bully me, I am better now(but terrified of sponge bob square pants! lol) x

19-11-09, 14:35
Hi lily (nice avatar)

Thanks so much for your reply, my friends and family are really great..especially my partner. They all know about my condition and are always there when i need them. However i do have a problem myself discussing my 'darker' thoughts (I can't even say it here) with them, so the samaratans seemed like the obvious choice. I really do want to live. Hope your in a good place at the moment

Jackie, thanks for your experience, it is much appreciated. I too have been on serox before and also recovered. I just don't remember the start up being this hard. I'm also big into my visualisation...I imagine there loads of little workmen in my head on ladders repairing the synapses between the nerves:roflmao:(I think i see some white-coated men outside)

I do have other techniques i use to keep my general stress levels down..exercise, Qi Gong, yoga and massage (my favourite). Unfortunately these aren't great when panic is very acute.

Once again to all you guys who replied to my call...Thank You. It's so great when others understand...really understand.

Love and hugs to you all:)

jude uk
19-11-09, 14:57
My time on seroxat was like a roller coaster and coming off of it was a nightmare. The thoughts and dreams at the start were worse than the panic and anxiety. Can I suggest you ask your doctor about coming off of it and how they will support you when that time comes.
Everyone reacts differently to medication and I found this was a medication that was not for me but you may find it helps you

All the best

19-11-09, 15:04
hang in there bexie this site has helped me more than anything else :hugs:

19-11-09, 18:41
Thanks to all

I did discontinue seroxat many years ago and wasn't a big problem...Anyway i'm not really thinking that far ahead, really have to take one day at a time. But thanks for the advice, i suppose i don't know how the discontinuation will go this time....the start up is nothing like i remember.

This site has been my lifeline over the past few weeks

Wishing you peace and solice

19-11-09, 19:07

I ofeten pased and rocked when my anxiety was at its worst
the last thing i could do was sit still

Best wishes x