View Full Version : What's this?

19-11-09, 10:54
Either a stomach bug or something worse I thought appendicitis or another, more serious illness.

1. I think have a temperature. Feel BOILING hot as though burning, especially face and upper back.
2. Despite temperature, getting chills and goosebumps on arm. Shivery and feverish feeling.
3. Loss of appetite over the past few days.
4. Felt as though I was getting a cold but haven't.
5. The main problem - I'm on the verge of being sick. REALLY proper sickness and waves of nausea.
6. Upset stomach and - sorry for being a bit gross - diarrhoea.
7. Feel shaky and weak.
8. Pain in stomach.
9. Sweating loads over the past 3 days. Really unwell generally.
10. Am tired and can sleep for 10 hours +

I would put it down to a stomach bug if it weren't for the fact that these symptoms started almost 2 and a half - 3 weeks ago! They weren't as severe, I didn't have much of a temperature, I just had stomach upset. I thought it was gone, but symptoms have come back and started being bad 3 days ago. Worse now. Could this still be a bug even though it's lasted for a long time. I'd do anything to avoid the doctors if that's possible!

19-11-09, 11:23
You poor thing, its horrible to feel so rough. No body on here can say whats wrong with you though.Anxiety can make you feel all of what you describe and then some, so it could be that. But my advice to you is to wrap up warm and get yourself down to the doctors, not because I think your suffering from some dreadfull illness but just because he will be able to sort you out, and put your mind at ease. let us know how you get on.:hugs:

19-11-09, 12:20
have you been abroad lately

19-11-09, 13:06
Thank you so much but I can't go to the doctors because I haven't made an appointment and it's hard to go out.

No, I haven't been abroad. Why?

Cell block H fan
19-11-09, 14:04
Its the time of year for all sorts going round. Ive had a friend with a vommitting bug this week, a guy at work went home early tuesday full of cold & reckons he threw up twice at work (never know if they say that to go home early though)
Could be swine flu, could be normal flu, could just be an annoying virus. Could be a stomach bug. Could of eaten something that didn't agree with you. Things like that are best checked out by your doctor if symptoms are still there after a fortnight.

19-11-09, 15:07
my sister as just got over swine flu she said that she was having breathing probs ,but she ok after a week its like a bad flu thats all ,its all blow out of size
so take care of yourself

20-11-09, 11:37
Could menopause be a possibility? If not, these sensations are probably totally panic related. They sound alot like my symptoms.
Are you thinking at the time or were you thinking earlier (negative thoughts)?
The heat can be explained as an adrenaline rush. When you feel it coming on just welcome it and tell it you're not afraid of it and you actually quite like the warm fuzzy feeling it gives! Just don't fear it (it is hard i know), but accept the panic and let it run its course. You could try to distract yourself by doing some yoga stretches or pace around the house. It helps to 'burn off' the excess energy adrenaline gives you!