View Full Version : Driving problem

19-11-09, 12:13
My driving instructor picked up on a thing today. He said sometimes when he says go either left or right I go the wrong way so he has to reroute and was like my driving test would go on forever. It made me a feel a bit stupid as he said it like it was a problem and some people do it too but I do it more than others. And seemingly sometimes I am fine with it..I can't help a bit of nerves...anybody else get this? :blush: He's now talking putting stickers on the steering wheel... :lac:

19-11-09, 13:54
i passed my driving test nearly 3 years ago and i was always going the wrong way he said left and i would go right did it all the time im useless telling my left from right.

i looked so stupid as i used to put my arm out what way i was going and even on my driving test i did it they must have thought i was nuts, but i passed 3rd time.

u will get there and ur bound to be very nerous its scary out on them roads.

u will be fine goodluck

19-11-09, 14:04
Sometimes we do really silly things for instance, myself at one time was having problems with the traffic lights I used to have complete brainstorms when they went red or green and get totally confused and this caused me to panick which used to make it even worse everytime i was nearing one. Than I go through the stage now and than of getting confused that im on the wrong side of the road, (I wasnt though) this happened a couple of times and I was very stressed. Ive been driving a few years too. I think sometimes if we do things wrong we panick and everything escalates. Im sure like me it will be just a phase as you are just learning to drive and you will be fine..Goodluck