View Full Version : Anxiety Causing This ?

19-11-09, 17:38
Hey all it has been over 4 months since i took my first panic attack ans since then i have suffered every symptom in the book and i just need some reassurance on this.

4 months now and i have these symptoms

My heart rate goes up randomly and for no reason mostly when i move or bend .

I have had a constant visable pulsing in my neck and stomach

I hear a ring in my ear when eveything is silent and i hear my heartbeat in my ear when i lay down

I have had serveral ecgs and bloods and serval docs listien to my heart and feel my stomach and recently i have had specific bloods tests for inflamation reactive proteins which came back fine and i am awaiting the results for lyme

These symptoms never go away and have taken control of my life to the point where i cant do anything and all i do is think about it.

I am going for some cbt in a few weeks

Can anxiety cause all this? my panic attack 4 months ago came from a fear of a heart attack and although i tell myself to remain calm all i do caunicoulsy or uncaunciously is think about my health and focus on a symptoms . i focus on them sometimes because they are so strong.

This has been with me for 4 months . It never goes away. yes i may feel more relaxed and it may dull but it never seems to leave me.

I guess i need some reassurance that palpatations such as mine that just suddenly came on are due to anxiety and worry and fear.

I have done nothing but sit and protect myself for 4 months so maybe when i actully doing something physical or even normal exsurtion can cause my heart to race?

Thanks all sorry for the long post !

19-11-09, 17:43
the simple answer is this yes anxiety can cause your symptom's ,if doctor cant find problem then your health must be ok ,i feel for you its awful so debilitating.sorry you feel so bad

19-11-09, 17:50
Ty gypsy , as you know i have moaned on here a few times about this but its very hard to just sit and live with.

Its hard to explain to someone that is not in the same position .

I mean a feel these symptoms and they are very sickning and sore so when someone says just forget about them its near impossible its like saying to someone fforget about that man that is punching you in the face lol

19-11-09, 17:56
i agree you cant forget it but you can try to beat it ,i know this s easy to say ,but it can get bearable, i have had it bad today but i have gone shopping ,seen family done housework done my art work anything to take my mind off my motto we cant do anything to stop it so just ,try to go with it ,,that's the only way i get by you can do it to when you do jobs and get pains just say to yourself ok its anxiety but you not going to stop me doing things xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

19-11-09, 18:09
I do try gypsy its just soo hard sometimes. I mean it does make sense nearly evey second i am thinking about it. I cant stop thinking about because it is there and the reason it is there is because i am thining about it ! lol I understand it all i just cant put it into practice !

I have also noticed i get ALOT of wind now! i burp all the time and find it hard to swall sometimes.

I have took reflux tablets for a while there and i think they helped but i am out of them atm so i am on gaviscon and i am picking up some more tablets tommorow so i will pay attention to see if these tablets help this or not.

19-11-09, 18:17
wind is a factor what happens we over breath so gas builds up in the gut ,its a vicious circle,,i find putting music on it takes y mind off this ,, the only thing i dont like is i go to bed early to watch tv ,,but awake at 4 everymorning ,,do you get sleep

19-11-09, 18:20
When i sleep, i sleep for a good 7-8 hours a night , but getting to sleep is hard at the moment because when i am laying in bed i am still so i feel eveything ans it makes me worse.

19-11-09, 18:22
thats great that you sleep give me some tips lol

19-11-09, 18:33
Well for me it is a few things:

Number 1 : be tired lol make ur self sleept

Number 2: Blank ur mind or think of something calming or happy

Number 3: Noise. It may not be for some people but i find some noises very soothing . I sleep with a fan on it keeps me cool plus the noise is very soothing i cant sleep with the tv on because it just annoying lol hence the specfic sound. for me its a fan for other it may be music or nothing at all.

19-11-09, 18:36
i do all that why dont you think sae way in day i ask myself lol

19-11-09, 18:58
lol tell me about it! anxiety is such a terrible thing! know one can truley understand it untill they have experienced it

24-11-09, 22:30
HI there,

I was wondering if you got ur lyme tests back yet, and if so, how long did it take? Im waiting on some just now and its been 2 weeks, the doc said it was strange they weren't back yet....not sure if this means anythin...

Hope your doing well

24-11-09, 22:46
Qix you sound pretty normal to me.... :-) if I were you though I would get up and do something. Im 55 and I have the tendency to "protect" myself as well but thank goodness I live on a ranch that forces me to do strenuous things everyday, But then I come in and count my pulse and hope that my blood pressure didn't get up to high. I wait for a bit and relax thinking ..ok this could be it...and then all passes and I go back into the protective mode.. Seems a shame waste of life..sitting worrying.

I have a 58 year old cousin that did in fact have open heart surgery when he was 18 .
Ok over the years he has been to more doctors than most people can visit in a lifetime . Overall he is in good shape and has low blood pressure , I can't believe this because he abused himself with drugs bigtime but now he has been checked out more times than a terminal patient ..

The doctors have told him to exercise and get out and enjoy life but he sits and I kid you not he sits in a recliner all day and all night and sleeps ,only awakes to eat and go to the bathroom and takes heavy doses of xanax .

There is basically nothing wrong with him and he has been told over and over by every type of doctor you can imagine..But his wife takes care of everything ,his food ,his clothing, the house ,the bills and everything that involves his life.He sits and sleeps.. he has great blood pressure but is wasting away to nothing. I can't help him his wife cannot help him and the doctors sure can't help him.

The sad thing about it is he will outlive all of us.. meaning the family and friends but will still be sitting in his chair in some nursing home wasting away until he has no muscles to get up and use the bathroom or to breathe with.. I just can't see living this way . My blood pressure is up and I smoke and drink a little coffee and work hard most days for a little while .. and I would say my life is 100 percent better than his. IM sure it will be shorter but overall quality will beat out quantity for me ..Good luck ,get a hobby and get a little fresh air and exercise..You will be fine.. don't worry.. and the anxiety will pass and it will come back and then maybe one day you will beat it all together but please try.. Michael

25-11-09, 01:33
Qix I just wanted to say that I have had every single symptom that you have, and I had them all at the same time. I thought I was going to have an aneurysm or heart attack for sure, but I'm still here 2 years later and the symptoms have gone away (or I just don't notice anymore). For me, there came a time (after the EKGs, ultrasounds, and blood tests) when I literally got fatigued from obsessing about my symptoms, and I actually stopped caring. It took awhile. Now I still struggle with other symptoms, but I hope you at least feel that you're not alone with the visible pulse, tinnitus, and everything else.

25-11-09, 03:14

I to get exhausted obsessing and just get to a point I just don't care because im too tired to.. so I relate as well.. Michael

maureen berry
25-11-09, 13:16
wind is a factor what happens we over breath so gas builds up in the gut ,its a vicious circle,,i find putting music on it takes y mind off this ,, the only thing i dont like is i go to bed early to watch tv ,,but awake at 4 everymorning ,,do you get sleep
:yahoo:hi gysywoman new to this so please epect some errors i just read you have trouble with sleep are you like me i have no trouble going to sleep but then wake up 5 every morning with rumbling aches and pains so start worrying about health dont go back to sleep its so bad to wake up so early i look out my window and no one is awake its horrible have you experienced this please answer desperate and woried :unsure:

gina p
25-11-09, 16:32
the sensation of your heart going all yippy skippy when you move/bend is something i get too so yes its more than likely anxiety .