View Full Version : Now on the pill - new worries!!!

19-11-09, 17:43

I have just started taking microgynon again after a 10 year break. It had been prescribed to try to regulate my menstrual cycle which has been haywire since having my 3rd child 2 years ago.

I took the 1st one on Sunday at the beginning of my period. It was very light and stopped after 3 days which my doctor says can happen so I am not overly concerned. I have been getting twinges where my ovaries are though and also really achy legs! I have suffered from this numerous times before when I have not been on the pill but now I am beginning to be rather obsessive about dvts which can be a problem, especially for older women (I am 37).

I seem to lurch from one thing to another at the moment!! My legs really ache on both sides and I keep checking them for swellings and redness!! Why can't I just relax!!!

19-11-09, 20:23
Anyone? It has been so long since I was last on the pill that I don't know what things are normal. Is anyone else on microgynon?

19-11-09, 23:26
im just about to start it babe. I was on it for 5 years and i was fine. I had my little girl who sadly died in may but im goin back on it to regulate my periods cos they are so messed up after having scarlett. Ur body is gettin use to it again thats all hun. U will find because ur thinkin bout it more ur anxiety is higher. Ul be fine honest x