View Full Version : Anyone relate to this?

19-11-09, 19:44
Hi I still don't think this is just anxiety.... anyone relate to all of these??

Burning/itchy feeling on skin on right hand

A sinking feeling in my stomach that leads to increased heart rate
This then leads to feeling as though my arms aren't there???

Waking up in the morning with trembling legs (not through fear but its like a tremor) that goes off once I wake up properly but can return at various points during the day

Neck stiffness on the right hand side

Constant bloated digestive system

A sort of numb but not numb feeling right down the right hand side of my body, even my stomach and chest!

My vision is blurred in one eye and sometimes seems to shift downwards and then goes back to normal in a split second

It all seems to be nerve related... been for MRI and eye tests and all normal, could they be missing something???

Thank you

19-11-09, 20:08

Anxiety and stress cause such a huge amount of symptoms for everyone and some of them might be unique to you. It's the not letting them matter that gets you through it. It's great your tests were normal. Although it's difficult try not to worry about your symptoms too much. It's your body's way of dealing with anxiety and through time you can calm down again. Accept that you are very anxious at the moment and try to relax, maybe going for nice walks might help? Even although the weather is horrible!!
Take care
Myra x:hugs:

19-11-09, 21:07
Thank you.... My more rational side can see this but sometimes the irrational side takes over and bam! Back to square one......! It's just the fact that there has been no let up for about 10 months now and it wears you down. I find having a bath with lavendar essential oil really helps calm me down, and swimming... I think I was a fish in a past life haha

19-11-09, 23:18
Yes, swimming for me has got to be the most relaxing thing. When I was at my worst I went swimming a couple of times a week and felt so good afterwards. This definitely helped me. I used to swim up and down and go over all my worries. It helped me put things in perspective. It's the thought of going though, but once you are there it's definitely worth it.

20-11-09, 19:13
I've had most of those symptoms, burning skin (a bit like sunburn), the trembling legs, numbness. All brought on by anxiety and disappear once I'm able to calm down.

21-11-09, 16:24
Ta, I found something on 'depersonalisation' and that sounds just liek what I have... a sort of numbness that doesnt go away until I'm a little less stressed and the feeling that I have no arms! To the point where I physically check to see if they are still there! Silly I know.....! My right eye keeps going cloudy and its like I can feel something twinging at the back of it when I blink etc. All very strange.