View Full Version : Feel Like Im Being Pulled

19-11-09, 19:44
I dont always get this but when i do it is scary, i feel like my head goes really heavy and then my body is being pulled about and then i get a creaky feeling in my head its really weird and im not sure what it is at all.
One more question, can playing video games effect you brainwaves and make anxiety worse? Shooting ones.

19-11-09, 19:47
Hi Ruby

Not sure about the other stuff but video games used to help take my mind off the panic and anxiety x

19-11-09, 20:04
Video games can take your mind off things for a while, but there's nothing to beat being out and about and in the fresh air. Exercise and occupation are without a doubt a great help towards recovering from anxiety and depression.

19-11-09, 20:28
I definately get more anxious and tense when I play video games. It depends how numbed you are to them. If you don't play often then it will have a stronger short term effect on you (that's my theory anyway!)

I sometimes get feelings like that, but sometimes when I wonder if it's going to happen to me again, it happens soon after, so I reckon your mind actually wants it to happen and so it happens more. Try not to think about it, unless you enjoy those curious sensations :)

19-11-09, 22:47
Yeah i rarely play video games.

19-11-09, 22:57
I tend to get really tense if I play video games for too long.
Sometimes get numb hands from gripping the controller e.t.c

The worst thing I get though is from vertain games like bejewelled. I can still see the shapes when I close my eyes for like hours after. That freaks me out a bit.