View Full Version : mouth/teeth worries driving me insane

19-11-09, 21:25
hey, some of you probably know this coz i dont stop going on about it and i aplogise if you find me annoying but i dont know where else to go. on monday i went to the dentist and found out i have an nfection in one of my wisdom teeth. i have been prescribed antibiotics and i will have to have the tooth extracted but all sorts of things are going through my mind.

today my gums have been feeling sore so im thinkin they have all been infected, my front teeth are feeling a bit strange and senstive like they are gonna fall out so i think they are infected and i will have to have them out, and by my infected wisdom tooth my gum has come up over the tooth which is a bit sore and uncomfortable especially when i eat. i cant stop thinking about this and i feel so depressed. i dont know what to do, i keep thinking the infection had probably already got into my blood stream coz i hadnt been to the dentist in ages and i keep thinking im going to die. can anyone relate? any advice/reassurance?

Please reply
Love Louise

19-11-09, 21:38
Hi Louise Dont panic I have had trouble with my wisdom teeth for years and Im still here. When part of your mouth gets infected it will affect all of your mouth not because the infection is spreading but because it affects all the nerves in your mouth. I use Corsodene (hope ive spelt that right) mouthwash, it numbs your mouth slightly and is anti bacterial so is good for your mouth. Try not to worry. You have my every sympathy there is nothing worse than pains in your teeth. Love Zoe xx

19-11-09, 23:27
Hi Lousie,

I too have had an abcess in one of my back teeth and it had to be taken out, ever since I found out it had to be removed I then started to feel as if all of my teeth were loose and started to panic. But that was years ago and Ive had no problems since. It was in my head that the problem was spreading.

Hope you feel better :)

19-11-09, 23:35
do you think its possible a lot of it is in my head? and because im contantly thinking about it and focussing on it, it seems worse than it is?

20-11-09, 08:38
Hi Louise. I think the answer is probably yes. I am having problems with my teeth also so all my thoughts are focused on my mouth and I'm obsessed with every little sensation going on there. In my case I am definitely making things worse. We have just got to relax a bit and try to calm down. Easier said that done but I wish you luck.

20-11-09, 12:06
Hi Louise:hugs:

You are not alone I constantly obsess over breaking my teeth:whistles:

If I have too much time on my hands it gets worse to the point I wont eat

I dont have an answer Im afraid but wanted you to know you are not alone:hugs:

Luv Kaz x x x

20-11-09, 22:30
thanks for the support, it means a lot. i'm still so worried though especially as my sister said my breath still smells so im thinking the infection is still there. also i sound like i have a cold and i have a cough so im thinking the infection has spread. what do you think? i'm going to go out of mind waiting to hear from the hospital.
please reply
love louise