View Full Version : Forehead Lump

19-11-09, 23:18
I'm freaking out big time :( is it possible to feel a Brain Tumor on your head? because I have a hard lump on my forehead, does not hurt but I'm scared its a frontal lobe BT :( my normal side says, your skull is in the way there for you cant but i just don't know, please help

19-11-09, 23:20
Are you sure it isn't an insect bite?

19-11-09, 23:26
Had it for about 2 months now, well noticed it then, it's under the skin like my skull has grown bigger :(

19-11-09, 23:28
could be a cyst then

19-11-09, 23:31
It doesn't sound like a brain tumour to me and you would have loads of symptoms if it was.

Get doc to look at it but I am sure it is harmless

19-11-09, 23:36
Yeah hope so, Going to the doc 2moz actually to talk about my anxiety so will bring it up then, so scared tho aint been to doc in a while.

19-11-09, 23:56
If you had a brain tumor, there is no way in hell you would be able to feel it with your hand! If you did, chances are you are already long dead, haha. I don't mean to make light of it, you've got nothing to worry about. If it's on your forehead, and you can feel it, it's in that thin layer of skin over your skull in the front, which means it's more than likely completely harmless. It'll go away on it's own or your doc can do something about it for you. I have tons of bumps under my skin, they are lipomas, just fatty tissue deposits and entirely benign and harmless.

19-11-09, 23:58
Thanks for that lol

I thought it sounded stupid saying can you feel a tumor but then again another side of me says it's pressing against your skull which is causing it to raise and cause a bump :(

20-11-09, 00:26
Well think of it this way, if there were a tumor, and it was against your skull, it would push inward into your brain, which has a lot less resistance than your skull. It's basically impossible to happen, your skull is pretty durable. And brain tumors are pretty unlikely, and even when someone has one, they are usually benign or can be dealt with by non-invasive means. It's definitely not something worth worrying about. You're more likely to get hit by a bus.

20-11-09, 22:15
Well saw the doc today, told him all my worries and he says he thinks I'm suffering from health related Anxiety which is causing me to feel depressed. He said the first steps is to prove to me I'm not suffering from a disease, so he said to see him next Friday and he will do a blood test and go from there.

20-11-09, 22:23
hi marcc64, glad the doc put you at ease. if the tumour was that advanced and pushing into your skull I am sure it would have been playing havoc with the rest of your brain for a while, very badly. My doc thinks I have anxiety, I have trouble trying to get over the point that it's health related, which causes the anxiety :wacko:

20-11-09, 22:58
My doc says it's goes back a long time my depression, been with this doc since i was 11, 18 now so he knows alot about me and thinks it may be because of my mum passing away from cancer when i was 2 :( and all the other stuff that has happened since has been fueling the depression causing physical symptoms which has made me have health anxiety and because of that the depression has got worse. He says it's a vicious cycle.