View Full Version : Dry eyes?

19-11-09, 23:33
Anyone else here experience dry eyes related to anxiety? I notice when sleeping they get very dry, but seem fairly normal during the day.

19-11-09, 23:41
Hello, dry eyes can be caused by a number of things. Do you wear contact lenses during the day? Do you take medicine for stomach acid? I suffer from dry eyes that cause corneal abrasions sometimes when I take my contacts out. The optician told me that stomach meds can cause this, e.g. lansoprazol, which I take. You can buy dry eye drops in morrison's supermarket!
Myra :)

19-11-09, 23:52
I get this too sometimes, especially this time of year. When I go out into the cold wind my eyes water, and when I'm at home they get really dry! Tried eye drops but didn't help much, so I really don't know the answer to this one.......

19-11-09, 23:53
That's the weird thing, I'm on no meds and I've never had this problem before, I've also not been wearing my contacts for quite a few weeks now, just my glasses.

20-11-09, 00:38
Yes absolutely .. sometimes my eyes are so dry they start to burn so bad it feels as though someone put shampoo in them.. they start to water so bad I cannot see and then the hurt and get blurry.. Im not sure any of it has to do with anxiety but it happens to me almost everyday .. Hope you feel better soon..

20-11-09, 00:49
Yes, I get very dry eyes when I am anxious. I don't know why and I wonder if it is because I am not blinking because during my extreme times of terror I think my eyes are probably open so wide and ready to bulge out of head my due to the fear! I also notice when I am so anxious I cannot eat or drink so I think dehyradtion could be a contributor as well. Thanks for the post and it makes me feel better to know I am not alone.