View Full Version : dont think im getting better

20-11-09, 00:09
been on citalopram now for 7 wks first 4 wks i was on 5mg and for the last 3 wks 10mg dont feel tht much better my depresion has slightly eased but still have bad days and wanna just shut myself away my anxiety seems worse now than befor do ya think i should ask my doctor to up my dose im due to see him monday xx im so confused

20-11-09, 08:53
Hiya, don't get disheartened. I've been on Citalopram for 10 weeks (tomorrow) and it IS a very slow process. I am on 20mg, maybe your dose is to low and you need to go up to 20? Check with your GP. I still got bad days and good days, and still have some side effects too. Maybe too early to think of coming off completely...

Whatever you decide, good luck! :)

20-11-09, 09:05
10mg is considered a subtherapeutic dose - that is, too low to have any real effect (but you can still get all the side effects).

Try to stick it out till you've had a good go on 20mg - I've been on cit for nearly 11 weeks now, but only on 20mg for 3 weeks of that and I'm doing really well most of the time now.

You've been through the worst bit, as far as side effects go, so it would be a shame to stop now before you've felt the real benefits.:hugs:

20-11-09, 16:25
thanks for replys i have been to see my doc today and he has put me on 20mg he said tht i would not see any real affect on 10mg but just wanted to start me on a lower dose for thm to get in my system going to start the 20mg tomo so hopfully onwards and upwards had a very good day today no anxiety or dp xxxx