View Full Version : major setback after holiday & ms worry

20-11-09, 08:07
I was on holiday a couple of weeks ago and all my anxiety symptoms disappeared and I felt great. I could go out alone and into shops which I haven't been able to do for months. It lasted for the following week after I got back too. But now my lightheadednes has come back and I can barely walk round the block. I don't fel anxious so I'm really scared it's something serious. All I can think of is the post on here from someone who said her doc told her that her lightheadedness was anxiety but it turned out to be ms. I am too scared to go to the doctor, I keep thinking what's the point in finding out it's ms as nothing can be done for it anyway. I'm trying to stay positive and tell myself I would have other symptoms, and that if it was anything more than anxiety the symptoms wouldn't have disappeared when I was on holiday. I really thought I was over the worst and was well on the way to recovery but now I feel I'm back to square one again. Of course, the ms worry is sending me into a spiral of fear now. (it's not dizziness as in head spinning, it's like my balance isn't right, and that definitely is a symptom of ms)

20-11-09, 08:44
if you were ok on holiday it was because you were relaxed and change of surroundings now your back your mind has returned to panic mode we all feel light headed with this illness at some pit ,stop worrying about ms just because one person has it doesn't mean that you have ,,just keep thinking how good you felt on holiday ,,nice thoughts xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx