View Full Version : I Was Doing So Well...Or So I Thought!

12-11-05, 21:17

After two days of feeling good because i had slept fairly well...then that anxiety demon comes and bites me on my bum!

On Wednesday evening i decided that i wouldn't drink tea or coffee after 6pm....and thats been going well....Today i went out with my daughter and bought Bach's Flower Rescue Remedy and some Valerian (checked first with chemist to make sure it was ok to take with my med's) also bought some wool to do a bit of knitting!

When i got home i was still feeling ok, put a couple of drops of Bach's on my tongue, not that i needed it, just wanted to taste it! A hour or so after i started getting pains in my tummy, and one in my chest.....I thought...ok....do some knitting to distract my thoughts, but it hasn't worked, the pains are still there and i'm worrying that it's the cup of tea i drank when i got home or the Bach's, even though i know it can't really be that. What can it be...? Anyone any thoughts?

Thanks Trish x

12-11-05, 21:22

Do you drink much caffeine?

What sort of pains are they?


12-11-05, 21:32
Hi trish, I think thats just how anxiety goes and the more you try to work it out the worst it gets. Two years ago I had a real bad bout of anxiety, agrophobia and panic, I stopped caffine for over a year, got that bach remedy, done relaxation and self hypnosis. In fact I done everything by the book, Tried hypnosis with a therapist, done reiki lol i tried everything. I have been much better latley though and dont bother with none of that anymore and if I want tea or coffe I just have it and dont let it worry me. I think we can try to do all these things that supposed to stop anxiety and by thinking of them and trying so hard to do everything we supposed to for anxiety keeps it more alive, Now i just eat and drink (not alcohol I gave up) anything and dont let it worry me and found that the anxiety does go when its ready. take care hope the feeling unwell was just a one off. Vernon

12-11-05, 22:32
Hi Nicola

No hun i don't really all i've had today is 3 cups of tea and before i cut it out after 6pm i only maybe drank 4-5 a day - not overly excessive is it? As for the pain, it on my left-hand side, quite high up from my bowel. Its a nagging pain almost like a stitch type pain that catches me - really odd!

Vernon, my you've done the lot.....i am so pleased that you are much better of late. Thank you for sharing your ideas with me.

Best wishes to you both

Trish x

13-11-05, 18:13
Hi Trish
You are doing well - you sound a bit like me that when something happens, whether its a sensation or funny feeling or pain we tend to dwell on why it has happened. Was it something we ate, or drank or always trying to find a reason for it. I over analyse everything!
The best way i find to deal with a new pain or sensation is to try and let in pass and not give it too much thought. Obviously if it got a lot worse i would reassess. Sometimes if we distract the pain goes away by itself.
Ive waited for 8 years on something terrible happening to me only to continually find out it is anxiety!!
Let it come, let it pass and it will go.
Darkangel x