View Full Version : Loads of tests with no answers - what next?

20-11-09, 12:04
Since Summer 2008, I have had lower right hand pain (appendix area) and have had the following done:

Feb 09 - Abdo ultra sound and internal TV ultrasound - nothing to report - all normal
Mar 09 - X-ray to check for gall stones - normal
July 09 - Appointment with Gyncologist (saw him July 2007) as I had endometriosis. He performed internal examination and said it was nothing to do with endo or my ovaries - said it was IBS.
Aug 09 - referred to gastro consultant. She said from my description that it wasnt IBS but would instruct a CT scan of my abdo and pelvic region - this was inconclusive - nothing abnormal found, no blockages, masses etc.
Nov 09 I've now just had a colonoscopy done - again nothing found.

I will now go back to my GP but now wondering if it's just something I have :huh: to live with? It's not bad enough to take pain relief but it's just something that I'm aware is there. Sort of like someone prodding me with a blunt knife. Can last a few seconds or can be on/off for a period of time.

Food diary kept - no pattern and I kept a pain chart for 6 months - again no pattern.

Everything else normal, periods etc. Fit and healthy :blush:

20-11-09, 13:12
Hi Jenny.....

I have no idea what's causing the pain but I think one thing is for sure by now if there was something there that could be of harm to you they would have definately found it. I presume in the ultrasounds your womb was checked for fibroids? Im sure it was.. Gynae would have known anyway.

Maybe it is just something you will have to get used to having.. annoying but at least you know there is nothing harmlful there.

Hope it improves either way.

mand x

20-11-09, 13:55
It is so frustrating isnt it, when you have got pain/other symptoms and they cant find a reason for it. I agree that if it were something there they would have found it with the tests so dont worry its anything bad. I think its the not knowing that makes this all so hard to deal with as at least if they did find something then you could deal with it instead of being sent away and left to get on with it. Take care.

20-11-09, 15:21
I don't want to sound horrible or anything here, but because it's gone on for so long with all these clear tests, could it just be a case of your mind just thinking it is there? Something that happens in anxiety is that this does happen?