View Full Version : Nervy-Paul says hello

20-11-09, 12:26
Hiya everyone :waves:
After reading some of the introduction posts, it makes me feel abit of a fraud being here, since my problems are nothing compared to others. But, as 'desiderata' says, don't compare yourself to others, so I will try not to. :) I am a 32 year old guy who has suffered with cronic depression and shyness for a long time - on and off, along with OCD and 'mild' anxiety.
I have been on sertraline for a couple of years, after being off meds for a while, which ended up being fairly disasterous for me and me having a 'mental meltdown.' I have picked myself and my fragile confidence up off the floor, I am still walking that long steep road of 'mental illness avenue' - it isn't always easy, and some days it is better just to hide away, but I'll keep on trying. Thank you for this forum, I look forward to making friends and joining in discussions.

20-11-09, 12:27
Hi nervy-paul

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

20-11-09, 15:56
Hi Paul,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you feel and you will get their support. No one judges at what step of anxiety, panic or depression you are in or recovery for that matter. :) So glad you found us.

Take care,


Veronica H
20-11-09, 16:03
:welcome:Paul. Glad that you have found us.
