View Full Version : TERROR IN THE WOODS!

13-11-05, 04:49
Last weekend I was walking in the woods. Usually this takes my mind off things but on this occassion I was not to achieve a state of pure relaxation. The forest floor glittered with the virgin silver of autumn frost. The pendula of all the clocks in all the libraries of the world silenced my crunching footsteps. Suddenly my hair was standing on my head. I was afraid to turn around. My legs were jelly. I couldn't move. Time froze. Yellow leaves fluttered all around me. I realized as was utterly alone in the woods. I was trembling uncontrollably and had the distinct feeling that I was being watched. Then I saw it was there. It was one of those little grey squirrels. It was obviously up to something. The universe was about to come crashing down and this animal seemed to be feeding on my fear, laughing at me, whilst it ate a nut.

Does this mean I'm going mad? I used to like squirrels.

13-11-05, 17:56
No it doesnt, Im A new member here as well and I have found help and comfort in thse pages. it was judt a squirrel getting ready to hybernate. It was probably begging for you to give it some nuts lol


Sue K with 5
13-11-05, 20:22
Sometimes Panic can make us freeze in one position and our imaginations run over time thinking all sort of ****** things !!

Sometimes these feeling are feeling of dispair or fear and we have to make ourselves realise that this is just a thought and not reality

I am sure the Squirrel was more scared of you than you of it, he probably thought he had reason to be in fear.

Take it easy

Sue with 5


13-11-05, 20:58

I absolutely loved your message. I'm sorry I know how bad the fear must have been. By the way your description of the wood was great.

It was the bit about the squirrel. I have a wood right next door to where I live and we have squrrels by the million here. In fact one of the cheeky devils came into my kitchen the other day!!! My dog and two cats just looked at it in fear.

I know what you mean though - actually a wood can be quite a scary place. I don't really like it - I prefer to take my dog walking somewhere else. There is something eerie about woods even without squirrels.

Take lots of care

Y Goble