View Full Version : Citalopram making me more depressed???

20-11-09, 13:14
Been on 20mg's of citalopram for 8weeks now after being on 10mgs for 2weeks and i haven't had any panic atacks for since ive been on 20mg's but over the last five days ive just been really down and depressed, depression like ive never had before, ive never ever felt this bad, really scary, its been worse the past two days but i think that might be because ive just started taking b-complex and inositol, is it possible that its the citalopram making me feel this low or that the inositol could be causing it?

Really cant take this much more, feel like i have no control over my life and feel really panicky... Think im going to ask to come off citalopram, really dont think its the one for me, but im quite scared off the withdrawl effects.


20-11-09, 13:41
I wouldn't have thought the inositol is making you feel worse but vitamin B complex can be quite stimulating, so try cutting that out for a few days and see how you feel. Remember that our body chemistries are all different, so although it's safe to take these things with citalopram we all react slightly differently. If you still feel you're getting worse, go back to your GP - don't just come off the citalopram.