View Full Version : MRI - diazepam

20-11-09, 14:09
Going for my second attempt at the MRI in 4 hours (18.15).

Doctor has given me diazepam in 2mg dose, he told me to do a 'dummy run' last night and take one to see how I felt, it didn't do much so I took another and fell asleep an hour later.

I am now feeling panicky about tonight already, just took one tablet (2mg), but not sure how much I need to take to get me through it. Anyone got any advice? I am wondering whether I should take another 2 or 3 about 2 hours before I go? Please give me some advice so that I can get through it without totally freaking out!!!

Cell block H fan
20-11-09, 14:16
I had 10mg ones a few years back, they were brilliant! I still have some in the cupboard, but these are only 5mg ones, they dont really make much difference. I miss the 10mg ones! lol
I would probably take 2 or even 3 about an hour before you go? Not sure how quickly they work on you, but from what I remember, they kick in after about half an hour?
They totally mong me out, so that I dont actually care whats going on around me (i had them for extreme pmt anxiety) But thats a good thing isn't it?

20-11-09, 14:30
They totally mong me out, so that I dont actually care whats going on around me?

That's exactly how I want to feel! But don't want to take too much, or not enough!
Maybe another 3 then (6mg), hopefully that will be enough - I can't afford to panic and not go through with it again.

20-11-09, 14:41
Dont really know anything about diazepam but just wanted to wish you good luck. You will be fine and just think that in 5 hours it will all be over. Take care.

20-11-09, 15:08
if find 4mg helps with racing thoughts but would need more for the anxiety
so def 6 at least

and prob bout an hour before
tho they may need to prod u to wake u up lol
hope it goes ok

20-11-09, 15:30
End of February I was told I must have this done and they offered me sedation (for me not a good idea)
:hugs:I realy do understand your fear:hugs:
I was supposed to have MRI in January 09 but i freaked - had to go back in march - From january my PAs were really bad every day.
SO I phoned the MRI unit and asked to speak to someone who could explain what happened during the scan.

I got this wonderful person who told in detail that
the noise was very loud (earplugs supplied) like when a washing machine is on its final spin:blush: about i minute then quiet - sections can be as long as 3/4 mins BUT BEARABLE
They do separate scans for different parts of the head.
There is a short silent gap (few seconds) between scans.
in each gap they asked if i was ok - did i want to carry on?
if you need to push the button to get you out - TRY to wait for the 'quiet' bit then they probably won't have to do that bit again.
I had my scan done and was walking on air i was so happy.
The nurses were expecting me because i had phoned and said how bad my panic is and they were VERY understanding.
I hope this is of some help
Best wishes

20-11-09, 15:49
Thanks everyone for the advice so far

I think I will take about 4-5 (8-10mg) so that I definitely feel out of it, I don't suppose this can do any harm can it?

They just give you earplugs where I am going, no music or anything - which is a shame.

20-11-09, 16:00
I would take 5 Mark:D

I have 5mg ones and only use sometimes so I think 10mg would do job but Im not a doctor!!!!

Hope you arent driving?????

Hope it all goes well....let us know

Thinking of You

Kaz x x x:hugs:

If you drink alchohol you could try a few stiff drinks but no diaz with it!!!!

Whatever gets you thru I think

K x

Cell block H fan
20-11-09, 16:18
Thanks everyone for the advice so far

I think I will take about 4-5 (8-10mg) so that I definitely feel out of it, I don't suppose this can do any harm can it?

They just give you earplugs where I am going, no music or anything - which is a shame.

Nah 8-10 mg is fine. It was a different doctor I had when I was given the 10 mg. The new doctor a few years later only gav me 5 :lac: I didn't notice at first, until the things didn't have the same affect & I checked the dosage. Naughty doctor! lol
Come back on here after & let us know how you got on xxx

20-11-09, 16:27
I've had four now including the one I took when I first posted, does not seem to have any effect yet so took another 3 (to clarify only 4 in total not 4 plus another 3!). Less than two hours to go now!! If I don'e feel much calmer in an hour I will pop another couple :D

20-11-09, 17:10
bless u
i think you will feel much more relaxed

i really feel for you as it is a fear of mine, too

take care
and let us know how u get on
i think they are very very used to people hating this sort of thiing

20-11-09, 18:09
The clunking noise really isn't that bad, it does sound like a washing machine. It totally put me asleep almost. The 45 minutes I spent in the machine flew by.

Please keep us posted on how you are doing. And like someone said before, the techs totally understand that a lot of people don't like these things anyways.

20-11-09, 19:14
Hey everyone, I did it! :yesyes:

Eventually I took 9 of the 2mg tablets and right now I feel totally out of it/great, super relaxed.

This is how it felt (from what I remember as the time flew by);
There are a few pings and pops and whirring noises, but nothing to scare anyone too much, at least not after taking the diazepam anyway. At times it did sound like a concert and I was laid there dancing in my head to the sounds. If the sounds had been continuous I would have easily fallen asleep.

So, whilst I am pleased that is over I still feel concerned for the results, which I get on Wednesday. I asked them is they found anything worrying and they said they couldn't know as a doctor would have to look over the results.

Part of me wonders if they are fobbing me off here and saw something worrying - what do you reckon???

HUGE thanks to everyone who replied, if I had took just the 2 tablets as the GP suggested I doubt it would have done much.

20-11-09, 19:24
well done you
try not to worry about the result
i know that is prob impossible

i am sure all those diaz, will help you get some well deserved sleep now

eternally optimistic
20-11-09, 19:31
Good on you Mark,

Glad the tabs got you through.

Hope you get your results soon.

20-11-09, 19:31
Hi , just wanted to say well done , when i got my mri they found two massive disc prolapses pressing on my spinal cord and that was why i was in such pain, but i got a phone call that same day as i got the mri so if it is anything urgent they would get in touch with you pretty much straight away so im sure you will be fine

20-11-09, 19:39
WELL DONE MARK:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

To reassure you my hubby had one last year they found something and he was told straight away!!!!

If anything was wrong they would not have let you leave trust me!!!!

I bet the results are clear:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:bighug1:

20-11-09, 20:19
Yes, the diazepam are great. I can see why people get addicted, tonight I shall just relish the feeling and accept that they were needed just for this episode. Glad it's over and actually it was no wear near as bad thought but without the tabs to calm me I would definitely have panicked in there. :) big thanks to all you lovely people who replied to me. I actually love this forum for the support it gives, a real saviour to us :flowers:

20-11-09, 20:44
Thats why we are here Mark:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

20-11-09, 21:10
Mark, fab to hear you managed to go through with it........Im sure everything will be fine :-) x

Cell block H fan
20-11-09, 21:22
Yes, the diazepam are great. I can see why people get addicted, tonight I shall just relish the feeling and accept that they were needed just for this episode. Glad it's over and actually it was no wear near as bad thought but without the tabs to calm me I would definitely have panicked in there. :) big thanks to all you lovely people who replied to me. I actually love this forum for the support it gives, a real saviour to us :flowers:

18 mg!!! I bet your high as a kite :D
Thats good that it went well. I think you're well brave!
Dont get too keen on those Diazapam though, they're highly addictive! My doc said no more than 5 days a months of them, or you get hooked. I think I only used about 20 of them in a year.
Always good to have some in the cupboard though. I went through a bad episode with HA a couple of years ago, had been going on days, I had a couple of those & it chilled me right out enough to break the cycle of the particular symptom I had enough to prove to me it was in my head. And I was fine after that. So I think pills like that have a place in easing temporary anxiety x

20-11-09, 22:14
Dont get too keen on those Diazapam though, they're highly addictive! My doc said no more than 5 days a months of them, or you get hooked. I think I only used about 20 of them in a year.

Out of the 28 I was given I used half of them between last night's trial run and tonights big one! I don't actually feel that high or anything, just pretty relaxed with rather heavy muscles. Then I spoke to my girlfriend on the phone who described me as a 'druggy' and put a downer on things by suggesting I was being stupid taking that many, then putting the phone down on me. Can't say that made me feel much better! The main thing is though that they got me through the scan and in hindsight it was quite good fun :winks: just the sheer happiness at getting through it. It's rough that no-one, unless you have been through this, fully understands.

The other 14 tabs can stay in reserve should I have a really bad patch, although I may take a couple before I see the neurologist again as I am sure I will be seriously panicking come results time. :hugs: to you all.

21-11-09, 13:50
:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:well done mark - it is surprising how relieved you feel when you are out of the hospital:yesyes:
Now please don't be tooo hard on your girl friend - many many years ago i was given diazipam and was forever being told i should not drink so much.
No one believed it was the tablets.
that is one of the reasons i do not take any meds now.
best wishes

Cell block H fan
21-11-09, 14:46
Out of the 28 I was given I used half of them between last night's trial run and tonights big one! I don't actually feel that high or anything, just pretty relaxed with rather heavy muscles. Then I spoke to my girlfriend on the phone who described me as a 'druggy' and put a downer on things by suggesting I was being stupid taking that many, then putting the phone down on me. Can't say that made me feel much better! The main thing is though that they got me through the scan and in hindsight it was quite good fun :winks: just the sheer happiness at getting through it. It's rough that no-one, unless you have been through this, fully understands.

The other 14 tabs can stay in reserve should I have a really bad patch, although I may take a couple before I see the neurologist again as I am sure I will be seriously panicking come results time. :hugs: to you all.

They are definately worth having for reserve :yesyes:
As long as you dont rely on them for anything but emergencies, they are a handy tool! x

20-11-12, 15:04
Wat are in them.took 15 on Saturday nd four on Sunday and their still having a slight eeffect

20-11-12, 17:44
I was prescribed 2mg to take 2 hours before the scan and then another before I went in . Seemed to work. I felt calm but aware.