View Full Version : Can Ectopics cause Sudden Death?

20-11-09, 17:43
Ive had 3 epsiodes in the last couple months where I get Ectopics that are like 2-3 per minute every minute and lasts for 24-36 hours(so far)

I went to A&E the last time, but it was at the end of the cycle and they saw little ones, the ones I didnt feel.

I am anxious about them starting again and I read on a google search that Ventricular ectopics could cause sudden death. Is this true & what is Ventricular ectopics?

Im now a worried man, though at the moment Im not experiencing the ectopics, im worried I will in future! :scared15:

Anyone else experience episodes like i did?

20-11-09, 18:10
Ermm not as far as i'm aware, they are harmless unless you have some structural abnormalities in the heart.

20-11-09, 18:14
this is true ,you have to have underlying problem with your heart ,

20-11-09, 18:17
If you've had all the checks and been told it's benign ectopics then try not to worry about sudden death. I know it's not easy because these beats are a nuisance. If they were so dangerous there'd probably only be a handful of members on here because we'd all be 6 feet under!! They are such a common symptom of anxiety. I think also we forget that the heart muscle is so strong. The more you're afraid of them the more they will happen. Try to relax and carry on with your daily life. It's the only way.

20-11-09, 19:05
i have palpitations alot, id say about 10-15 in a day. Doc told me that an ECG would pick up any abnormality and that palpitations with no other symptoms ie fainting are harmless and in Australia, they are considered so normal, they dont even do any test for them ie ecg. The hospital wouldve picked up if they were part of any cardiac abnormality.

20-11-09, 19:27
Are you mixing up ventricular tachycardia with ventricular ectopics by any chance??? V tachycardia is what people can get with a heart attack and is what defib machines are there for as they are deadly but premature ventricular ectopics are harmless in someone who does not have certain heart conditions. I too was told in hospital that if a patient doens't mention them then they are not told they have them as they are harmless.

20-11-09, 22:39
aaah thanks guys. Feel much more reassured. Your all so wonderfull