View Full Version : Hi new member

20-11-09, 17:55
Hi just joined and hoping this is going to contribute to my long road to recovery ! Had depression for a number of years,started when my sister died when I was 17. The depression over the years has been on and off,but I have also developed OCD and co dependancy.I no when these are at there worse and I have to do my best to control them. But this time is different I just can't .I have been to see my gp this morning and made the agonising decision to go on citalopram. I have not been on antidepressants for a number of years.but as I said I can't climb out this dark hole I am in. And I am in fear of losing my partner of 15 years. So it would be nice to have a network of people who are in a similar position !!

20-11-09, 18:01
Hi Miamae

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

20-11-09, 18:09
Hi and welcome to NMP! :flowers:

I'm sure you will get lots of support here.

Lovely to meet you


20-11-09, 18:10
Hello Miamae,

Glad to hear from you. You'll get lots of support and comfort from people on here who are feeling or have felt the same as you. Don't feel bad about taking the meds, you are only human and sometime we all need a crutch to help us through a difficult time. You'll feel better in time.

20-11-09, 19:43
Hiya Miamae

It's never a easy decision to begin taking medication, or seeking help for that matter. You feel you're being weak or letting yourself/others down - it is quite the reverse as it takes strength to confront your fears and do something about them. The people that really care and matter will understand and support you, not judge.

Paul :hugs:

20-11-09, 21:31
Hi Paul thanks for the advice, you are right I have been feeling so weak and so ashamed as I sat in the doctors this morning,admitting i just can't cope. I feel like I have let my family down as I cannot keep up the pretence that I am ok. My partner struggles to understand thAt I have had to go back on the meds. It was lovely to log back in to tonight to see the messages I had,it certainly has gave me some encouragement, so thankyou for taking the time to make me feel welcome !!

21-11-09, 15:59
meds will help and you shou;d not feel ashamed to take tthem. i did not want to but am soglad i did they took a couple of weeks to work but they have now helped me enough to return to work after being off for 2 months with and anxiety and even working overtime if you need to talk give me email address or message me always glad to help

21-11-09, 17:35
Hi Miamae,

Welcome to NMP. Many here will understand how you are feeling and will give their support. I'm so glad you found us.

Take care,
