View Full Version : Lack of Mental Health Care!!

20-11-09, 18:30
hi all....

does anybody have any suggestions about how to deal with the following:
my partner has had GAD, OCD, socialphobia for over 20 yrs. he has been on the books so to speak of the local NHS mental health team, last year his councellor retired, 13 months later he has still not been assigned a new one. we have complianed to the manager at the office and she has told us this is unacceptable and that he should have been given a new one already. BUT since her telling us this at the end of october we have not heard a dickie bird from her!!!!!

Has anybody else been let down by the system??or can anybody help about what we can do next? who do we complain to??
for your help :-)


Veronica H
27-11-09, 09:13
Hi Clive

Write to your MP. If you have a branch of 'MIND' near you they might be able to advise too. Hang in there, he is so lucky to have you to care for and look out for him. :hugs:


27-11-09, 12:39
Hi Clive,

Have you tried approaching Rethink? They have an advocacy service, I haven't used their sevices myself, however I have heard that they are really good.
Here is their link http://www.rethink.org/how_we_can_help/our_services/advocacy.html

Good luck and I hope your partner gets the support he deserves.


28-11-09, 03:34
I've been let down by the system for the past 19 years. The Only way to get the help we need is to keep SHOUTING and create bad publicity until they get fed up with you otherwise they say to themselves you must be coping ok and will leave you to it. Partly though I know it's not their fault since mental health has always been the cinderella service with not enough funds to provide the help needed.:hugs:

29-11-09, 12:58
Hi chufferclive sorry to know that your local mental health team is slow.
It may be an idea for your partner to get an appointment with his GP, go with him and expalin the situation and ask that they re-refer your partner again the the mental health team that should hopefully push things forwards.

Let us know the outcome of whatever you both do.