View Full Version : Panic Attack? Please help!!

20-11-09, 20:30
OK, I have been going through anxiety on and off for a few years, and my symptoms were scary but the last couple of weeks I have had 4 scary situations that I am trying to deal with, the last one being today a couple hours ago. I woke up feeling anxious as in my chest, neck and shoulders feel tight, lightheaded, feel like I can't wake up, can't concentrate when my kids are talking to me, feel spacey. Went back to bed and slept for a couple hours and woke up feeling a bit better except muscles feel tight. Then went to take son to school, neck was tighter than ever in back and in the front it hurts on left side from under jaw to collar bone, got him to school, came out to walk to car and suddenly felt dizzy, couldn't breathe, chest hurting and felt like it was caving in, pain in left shoulder and arm into hand, don't remember making it to car and then leaned against car trying to breathe, felt more normal but got in and tried to drive with shaking legs and feet, came home and cried and took half a xanax and feel better but very tired and neck and arm still hurt a bit. This has happened 4 times in the past month and its freaking me out. I have three kids and I don't want to stop my normal routine but now I am worried it will keep happening. Can anyone tell me if this is a normal panic attack or should I go get checked to make sure its not heart attack or strokes? In the past I have been checked for just about everything, I have had catscans on heart and lungs, head, stomach, ultrasounds on pelvic, stomach and leg for blood clot, mri neck and back and head, bloodwork, ALOT of EKG's, a echocardiogram, and a stress test that showed my blood pressure go up with exertion...all tests were done in between March and June of this year. I have been taking Metatoprol which is a beta blocker for racing heart and blood pressure for the past 3-4 months, which sometimes doesn't help the feeling of racing heart but has helped blood pressure. Can anyone give me any advice on what to think? I just never had panic attacks to this extreme if that is what they are. I just can't picture having something major wrong go back and forth and then go away and come back like this...please someone give me some info!

20-11-09, 22:21
Sounds like a typical panic attack to me and considering you have had all the tests done to rule out anything physical make it very likely to be a panic attack. When i first started having panic attacks they were brief and not too strong but they got worse the more I worried about them, very scary experience. You sound fine, try not to worry