View Full Version : whats happening to me

20-11-09, 20:53
I am new here.I suffer with severe depression and i at the moment i'm at the end of my tether.I am getting the most horrific flashbacks,I have spoke to my therapist and she said is to have a word with my pdoc.

Earlier today when i thought things couldn't get any worse,I recieved an email from someone,It scares me cos i think this could be a friend.
.The forum looks odd,i registered on it and it is a bitchy forum :mad:
It said.

Hi new forum
http://bpdworld.freeforums.org/index.php (http://bpdworld.freeforums.org/index.php)

I'm totally freaked out.Any advice please?
Thanks for reading. xxx

20-11-09, 21:00
Sorry to here that...but u have to slow down and look over all the good info, in here make some friends.. I suffer from panic disorder and agoraphobia. it's been very hard these last few months.. but remember u are not alone, and time helps, remember it'll pass.. u'r friend usa..