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13-11-05, 14:15
i havent posted for help on here in ages but just having a bad day really and need just a little reassurance and a kick!!!

ive been fine for quite a while now, no reall panic, odd blips but nothing major. However today im ive just got caught up in obsessing and feeling wierd and then panicking.

for about 3 hours today i convinced myself i must have bi-polar or something worse as I have felt fine for ages and today felt really tired and statrted obsessing about why, that got me down and then of course this confirmed bi-polar and then thoughts of i must go to see a psychatrist to get comfimed then id be hospitilsed...lol...you all no the drill......then thoughts of im back to square one and ill have a life like this forever......god how easily this can bluff us..lol.

anwyas, just wanted for someone to reasure me as im off on holiday tommorow, give me a kick and tell me to let this blip, obsession, gremlin , annoying thought whatever it is to bugger off and let me lie in the sun with a cool beer!!! lol

any words of help, and if youve been there tell me how to deal with it would be gratefully appreciated.



13-11-05, 14:58
I'll give you a big fat KICK UP THE ARSE Doddy!!

You are obsessing because you are tired - absolutely nothing moe than that. If you think back to before your illness you would have done it then too. Not everything is related to your previous nervous illness - remember that ok.

Every one of us has bad days now, in the past and will have in the future. It does not mean that we are ill and it certainly does not mean that we are bi-polar!

You are doing great - in fact brilliantly - don't forget that. You are an inspiration to many of us on here!

I'm sure Meg will be along shortly to kick you up the arse too!

Enjoy your holiday!

Rach xxxx

"True acceptance means 'facing and relaxing' - it is submission" (Claire Weekes)

13-11-05, 15:18
Hi Andy,

You will regret asking for that kick you know, your gonna have such a sore butt by the time everyone is finished with you.

Preparing to go on holiday is stressful, stress makes us anxious, being anxious makes our minds work overtime, blah, blah, blah, LOL.

Try to relax today, and look forward to going away tomorrow, just think, sun, sea, no work, cold beers and time to chill out and most importantly NO STRESS.

Stay positive and have a great holiday hun.

Take care
Trac XX

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

13-11-05, 15:29
I already did by email...

But happy to add another one here



Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-11-05, 16:12
quick update.

firstly thanks for the kicks....in an odd way they felt nice....lol

had a nice hot bath...few things to do before i turn my phone off for a week but im gonna take it nice and easy and not rush...and not stress myself......and not read any of the sunday papers that are full of stories of deoression and stuff...lol..as if i read them today yep...ill belive im gonna be like that......in fact if they said " Man turns into horse" i ll probably strat eating carrots and wondering around the garden chewing grass!!!!!!!! lol

thanks for your kicks and help.


13-11-05, 16:38
Hi Andy

These things always crop up from time to time when you're going through the recovery process, but it's more like a little test than anything serious.

In a way, I've found these 'blips' to be beneficial, always reminding me that I'm slipping up somewhere. Usually it's just down to me doing too many things at once or feeling stressed over something or other...or rather, forgetting to deal with the stress in a useful way. Everytime it happens it reminds me that I need to slow down somewhere, just take a little time out to relax and ease my thoughts. Over time you learn to recognise it as soon as it crops up and you can deal with it fairly easilly. It's all part and parcel of reinventing yourself in a way that you will become far more efficient in coping with your anxiety.


'Security is mostly superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding Danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.'

13-11-05, 16:55

I am not going to kick you - think you have had enough for one day!

Have a fab holiday and see you in London in 2 weeks.


13-11-05, 16:55
A kick up the bottom to you Doddy (a*rse is such a vulgar word for a Piglet to say).[Ugh]

You know the drill hun, and if not you and I could sit in our institution making raffia mats for everyone!!!!!

Have a super holiday and tell us all about it on your return.[Yeah!]

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.