View Full Version : I get rid of the thoughts about one thing and up crops another!!!

21-11-09, 15:46
Hi All,

JUst wonderinfg if anyone can relate... I feel like im going mad... as soon as I rationalise with myself about something ie headaches are just headaches, not a brain tumour etc I find something else to focus on and start worrying ridiculously about it! its so stupid! I am basically worried that I am going to drop down dead every day or that I have some terminal illness... I just want the thoughts to go away! :weep:

21-11-09, 15:56
Hi I am going throught this at the moment, I am having constant panic attacks, cant do anything, wake up early in the mornings. I have had 7 terminal illnesses this week. Have lost loads of weight (i needed to). last night i woke up with a headache or strange sensation at the back left of my head, now convinced I have a breain tumour or annerism etc. As I am tired have a headache, and can feel dips in the back of my ears at the top, feels like the bone is moving. I'm in a right mess

Cell block H fan
21-11-09, 16:01
Hi All,

JUst wonderinfg if anyone can relate... I feel like im going mad... as soon as I rationalise with myself about something ie headaches are just headaches, not a brain tumour etc I find something else to focus on and start worrying ridiculously about it! its so stupid! I am basically worried that I am going to drop down dead every day or that I have some terminal illness... I just want the thoughts to go away! :weep:

So what you need to try, is drumming into yourself that last weeks worry was the brain tumour. And now you are worrying about something else, its that something else & the brain tumour has now gone??
Thats probably the only bonus with sufferring with HA for years n years. You soon look back on the multitude of things you told yourself you had & how convinced you were at the time, only for it to be something else the next time. And yet you're still here & those symptoms are a distant memory? Its a bummer getting older, but you do also get wiser with the experiences. Double edge sword! lol x

21-11-09, 16:21
Emma - I could have actually written your post! Im EXACTLY the same including the weight loss (i needed to too) I keep trying to tell myself that the loss of appetite is a blessing in disguise!! lol

Cell - lol Thanks for that, my rational mind convinces me of this for a couple of days but then it all starts again, its horrible, Ive only suffered with this daily for the last 6weeks but its 6weeks too long!!!!

Cell block H fan
21-11-09, 16:33
Emma - I could have actually written your post! Im EXACTLY the same including the weight loss (i needed to too) I keep trying to tell myself that the loss of appetite is a blessing in disguise!! lol

Cell - lol Thanks for that, my rational mind convinces me of this for a couple of days but then it all starts again, its horrible, Ive only suffered with this daily for the last 6weeks but its 6weeks too long!!!!
Oh dear, 6 weeks, blimey back in the early days I was sending myself demented! It was too new to think rationally really! Heart goes out to you x :hugs:

21-11-09, 16:38
Oh dear, 6 weeks, blimey back in the early days I was sending myself demented! It was too new to think rationally really! Heart goes out to you x :hugs:

Cheers me dears, Im hoping to nip it in the bud tho!! Ive started Pyschotherapy and Prozac already so hopefully I will be on the way to recovery ASAP... i havent got time for anxiety! lol.... I couldnt deal with it for years as some have!! lots of love xx

21-11-09, 17:54
I am EXACTLY the same as you- can't count the number of times I've been to the doctor - Its been especially bad fro about 6 months where whatever is the current worry is in my head at least 20 times a day

Mrs Rabbit
21-11-09, 20:56
I too am the same! My fear is breast cancer and as soon as Ive satisfied myself that something is normal I actively look for something else. I hate it - its like being trapped in an endless cycle of checking and worry.

andrea thompson
21-11-09, 21:21
hi hon...
its really hard isnt it.... i am exactly the same... it wears you down doesnt it!!!! i have fealt like this before and with counselling and seroxat i got over it.... but had a miscarraige recently and some of the old feelings returned.... my plan is to get plenty of rest, try to relax and beat this thing once and for all!!!!

take care

x x

21-11-09, 21:32
thing is how do we change the thoughts? (SHRUG)

22-11-09, 14:23
Last week I was really worried about Brain Tumor and also ossibly going bipolar or schizophrenic.

I got it out of my head yesterday and thought don't be silly but then later on n the evening my breathing went. My chest feels tight and I keep going really dizzy. Just went into town wit my wife and had the worst anxiety I've had in ages. It was awful.

My chest is so tight and everytime I try and do deep breathing I feel sick.


22-11-09, 17:09
I am the same. In the last month I have had uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, bowel cancer and now dvt because my leg aches.

It is almost like your brian is geared up to be on super alert to worry about something. As soon as one fear is alieved, you almost search for the next!! Luckily, I do find that I can go several months without the worrying but once something triggers it again, it is really hard to switch off!

This time of year is the worst for me - when it is dark and miserable all the time. I am thinking of getting a light box - does anyone have one?

22-11-09, 20:03
Can I just check?

When I get these worries I get loads of really worrying and severe symptoms too. Is that the same for everyone or do you just get the worry?


22-11-09, 20:11
I usually get a symptom, trawl through the internet and home in on some major illness that has this as its symptom. Then I start getting all the other symptoms associated with that particular illness By then, I am not sure what is real and what is my anxiety. It is a viscious circle!!

22-11-09, 20:32
I agree with Jo3016. I usually get some symptom, get afraid and anxious and then start getting other symptoms which exacerbates the fear etc. It really is a vicious cycle. My big thing is my heart. So it's easy for me to get anxious. My heart rate might go up for some very normal reason, e.g. after eating to much if my IBS has been action up prior, that gets me afraid which then makes my heart race for longer, validating the original fear so to speak. I hate it.

22-11-09, 22:32
I can identify.. :) Some days I feel fine..and don't worry about anything.. and then some strange symptom pops up and I focus on it. Other days I don't worry to much . Its funny when you say to yourself.. I don't care,bring it on. the symptoms sometimes melt away..

Anyway most days I think that I have a brain tumor, and then when not focused on the brain tumor I start to wonder why my face has a little dip under my jaw bone and why it tingles and wonder if I had a stroke.. or having one or do I have cancer of the jaw bone.

Then there are days like to day where about every 30th beat of my heart skips and im sitting here wondering if im going keel over. Then I worry about my mind sometimes..
I feel "out there" and have no clue of why . I think ok im losing it totally or my tumor is taken over my brain and causing me not to remember or etc..

Then there are days when my hips hurt and im sure I have P.A.D yet to be diagnosed. and my eyes get blurry and I think I must be having a mini stroke or then I get cold and sweaty which is normal for here ,my wife has it too and she doesn't have high blood pressure just the opposite but im sure its sky high blood pressure when in fact I really don't have high blood pressure. .

I could go on and on and on.. but I won't but yes I can relate.. lol