View Full Version : so down and alone

21-11-09, 18:52
Hi on and off i have had depression i havent felt depressed for over 3 years but recently my best friend who lodged with me was my carer as i got agrophobia and anxiety she more or less did a lot for me and i was starting to go out and shopping with her etc and last month for no reason sh eupped an dleft me on my own and said it was all too much and she couldnt handle it anymore and that i now have to try and do stuff for myself. i been agrophobic for 12 years but got a grip of me but things were improving as i said i was going out and trying now i am stuck in and feel so alone.

I dont have any family for support an dmy friend network is now virtually 0.
i have no one to talk to and i feel so down and am dreading xmas as will be my 1st on my own ever since my folks died 5 yrs ago have had my friend have me at hers. i try very hard to lift my mood but nothing i seem to do helps. i really am i need of some friends but this is of course difficult when i dont go out much. Also i have gained 2 st because i comfort eat and am trying to lose weight so at moment i do not have much confidence either.

Thanks for reading hope someone can advise me.


margaret jones
21-11-09, 18:57
well you have joined us at NMP so that is good there are lots of people here who will help you , I have only been a member for 3 mnths and found lots of help .

Best Wishes Margsret

21-11-09, 23:40
Hi Icychick
I am in a similar boat- this past Christmas I was "dumped" by my safe person as well and this past year as been really trying. I am here for you anytime. Intially I was so heart-broken I felt so betrayed and abandoned. I don't have familial support- in fact I seem to have familial contempt- no one understands !
Joining NMP has been a life saver. Anytime I feel friend-less I log on a have a quick read and I feel so reassured- everyone is so caring and supportive- I'm sure you'll be feeling stronger with your NMP friends !

22-11-09, 02:23
I hope you don't mind me saying this but I feel very alone every day so I can understand how you and many others feel. If Anyone needs a friend and they think I can help them to feel less alone, I am more than happy to be their friend for as long as they need me. I don't believe in abandoning those I care about until they decide they no longer need my friendship or support. My door is Always open to Anyone who needs a friend whether they are ill or well so Never suffer in silence.:bighug1:

22-11-09, 02:30
You must feel lonely at the moment, but please don't stop going out. In a way, your friend was right - you do have to try to do thigs on your own. It's easy to use someone else as a crutch you think you cannot do without. I was stuck in the house 4 years before I started to venture back into the world. You have been out and know you are safe out there now. Perhaps you could join some groups, or volunteer with a charity to make new friends.