View Full Version : WOMEN ONLY - discharge

21-11-09, 22:46
Sorry of this is TMI. Had depo injection but had last one in december last year. Last few months my periods have just got back to normal but i have also been noticing thick mucus discharge every now and then which never had before. Anyway I think I am just about to ovulate as last period was 11/11 and have discomfort in right abdomen.
Anyway when went to toilet before notice thick brown/red mucus on tissue. Is this normal? There is not loads just a couple of small clumps (same amount had with clear mucus).
First thing I did was google, not good and bloody voice in my head is screaming cervical cancer. I had a smear test in march this year and was fine and recently had swabs done for yeast infections so surely that would have shown any problems?

BAsically just wondered if anyone else gets this around ovulation.

Just another thing to add to my list of health worries :weep:

Look forward to hearing from people about this x

21-11-09, 23:55

I highly doubt it would be cervical cancer as you had a test done very recently. Its most likely blood from your period which has taken longer to come out than normal. Older blood turns a sort of browny colour. I have had this in this past because I used to be quite bad taking my pill, id forget it and then take it at the wrong times and sometimes I would get a brownish discharge. This was just old blood. Even though this is most likely what it is Id probably say just make a wee trip to your doc and get an exam because it might be a wee infection thats causing it, but it might also be the fact your body is still adjusting to being off the injection. I think there are a few causes but I highly doubt its anything sinister, I had this about 6 years ago and had absolutely nothing wrong but it doesn't hurt to get it checked xx

Take care

22-11-09, 11:04

I have had spotting at ovulation for about 2 years now. I have had a clear smear and ultrasound. The doctor has just put me on microgynon to try to regulate things.

I have heard that it is quite common to spot with hormonal contraception. May be just check with your doctor if you are really concerned?

22-11-09, 17:15
Thanks for your replies.
I only had some swabs done a couple of weeks ago and they came back normal so not sure if have infection. I have made a note in my diary when it happened and will see if happens again so can monitor if to do with ovulation. Not had any since last night either. Although may go to docs even tho only went other day for something else.

Thanks again for replies.

23-11-09, 19:20
That sounds like a good idea, let us know how you get on :)

Take care