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21-11-09, 23:54

So I have health anxiety. I have been referred to a counsellor but I keep forgetting to book it. I have been to counselling before but it hasn't really helped. And I don't want to take meds cos I'm scared of side-effects :D

Things I have been terrified of in past: getting the flesh-eating bacteria from ANY tiny graze, getting MS, getting Parkinson's, getting motor-neurone disease, various cancers depending on what day it is, getting swine flu and being one of the people who die from it, getting schizophrenia, etc.

I know exactly why I have this- my childhood. My dad was a domestic abuser and terrorised my poor mother. My childhood was very unpredictable- I grew up in a lovely place but these entirely random, extremely violent outbursts made me quite honestly think my mum and me were going to be killed. I desperatley tried to predict why/when they would occur but to no avail. So it's left me constantly on 'high alert', I guess, waiting for this bomb to drop, this constant threat on my life that has never dropped, thank God.

Why health? No idea. I guess I feel like my health, my body, is so personal, so it would be feel so invasive for my health to suffer, and there is no escape cos it's inside of me. It would be terrible to lose a limb or something, but what I really fear is something paralysing/killing me.

Cheerful intro.

I have been a lurker for a while but it's nice to join you all.

21-11-09, 23:55
Hi LaNae

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

22-11-09, 01:21
Hi LaNae,

I don't really have health anxiety (just general anxiety and PTSD), but I am TERRIFIED of anything medical, so I worry about getting sick.

I hope you feel better soon. Me, too.


22-11-09, 03:29

I can understand this fear. I have the same about the swine flu and other mental illnesses. Its difficult to deal with. Just know that your mind is a powerful thing, and just because you might convince yourself that you might have symptoms of anything does not make it true. You will get through this.