View Full Version : Feeling Disconnected and Weird Why??

22-11-09, 03:20
I just recently bought a home bp monitoring device and found out that my bp is not as high as they thought it was at the doctors office.. its not much over the normal range or within a good range anyway,

The doctor also put me back on my old mg of beta blockers to see how the bp readings went at home. For the last several days I have been feeling a little detached from things. I really can't describe it but general sluggish feeling . heart skipping beats since yesterday afternoon and cold but clammy feeling..

I feel that something just isnt right..I don't know what it is.. Could it be the loss of my beautiful pet? Or could it be changing my meds again to a lower dose? Could it just be depression and anxiety from having to worry at all with my blood pressure?

I am getting a little more used to the blood pressure monitor but Im not getting ocd like I thought I would and checking every five minutes.. We check it once in the morning and once in the afternoon but Im feeling rather nervous about all of that.

My wife didn't believe I had high blood pressure like the doctor said and bought a blood pressure monitor ,one of the best and also she asked the doctor to take me off the higher dose of beta blocker and put me back on my old one. So far she has proved that I don't have high blood pressure ,so I should be happy right?

What is wrong with me ?????????????????? Why am I feeling sad and weird. My mind feels foggy and I feel depressed. I haven't gotten anxious before about things but generally not depressed and spacey .. Anyone have any ideas why im feeling like this????????Help?

23-11-09, 00:25
It could be because your on the medication again.. I get like that sometimes, especially when I first started... I just felt very out of it.. like a zombie? And i still get a bit depressed...

Maybe u should speak to your doctor about it... They shold have some soultions or strategies to help you... I hope it all works out!! xxxx

23-11-09, 00:41
Hi Michael

I think you are experiencing the sorrow from losing your beloved dog. But could also be the lowering of medication.

Again I would like to say I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my beloved cat Lady 3 months ago and I can tell you that I have feelings I never even knew existed! I am in hell because of losing her, it has caused me severe depression, and I think that could be what you are experiencing. Don't be afraid to reach out for support and comfort over your loss.

Take care:bighug1:

23-11-09, 22:37
I often find it depends on how my body wants to react to it's meds. Today I was barely conscious but yesterday I was dead hyper. New doses or changes in my experien e tend to take up to a month to decide what they want to do hehe. Truly sorry for your loss. I never had a dog but I like dogs and can imagine you miss your dog a lot.
Big hugs