View Full Version : Weird feeling in hands, tongue/throat, feet.

Yeah... panicked.
22-11-09, 05:04
So this all started about four days ago or so. I was finishing my dinner, relaxing on the couch, watching a movie with my room-mate. Suddenly I started to feel this odd sensation in two of my fingers on my right hand and in my tongue. The feeling is really hard to explain and when I try, my friends think I'm nuts. Okay so it's like this... like the feeling I need to stretch the affected areas and clench up, like the feeling of just eating something sour but with no taste... and it's in my hands as well, like being tickled from the inside. Also, the areas feel weak and feel like I should be twitching and shaky...but my strength is fine and I don't shake.

I've been to two doctors, both saying they can't really find anything wrong with me. One is sending me off to get blood-work, to be safe. Anyway since then, I've been worrying about it like crazy and my symptoms have taken shorts breaks but keep coming back. I'd say they bother me about seventy-five per cent of my day. The sensation has also started in my other hand and I feel it more in my throat now. It's so weird and distracting and annoying. Bleh.

I have a history of anxiety, OCD and probs depression. But, I make it through my life reasonably well and don't take any medications. I have my art and music as an outlet and that usually works for me. Last year I had this problem where I felt I couldn't breath properly, like unable to ever get a full breath and it affected me on a daily basis. It lasted for about nine months before this great doctor told me I had a chronic stress issue. I've been a lot better since. But now this stupid thing shows up...

I'm pretty sure it's stress anxiety triggered, as I've had a lot of that recently in my life. But at the same I can't help but let my mind wander and come to a self diagnosis of MS or some other neurological disorder. Someone please re-assure that I'm being dumb for thinking so. It's just stress/anxiety right?

Anyone else feel this way?

22-11-09, 05:20
It sounds anxiety related but its a good thing you went for blood work up.I haven't when they ask me to. I hate going to the dr's and well it might well cost me not knowing there was anything wrong with me. I went to the doctor had a good physical and ekg and everything was good except they thought I had high bp..My wife didn't believe them and told them I just got nervous when i went to the doctor. They put me on a higher dose of meds and we got a home blood pressure monitor that is proving them wrong with the same amount of meds that I used to take..Im sure its probably just anxiety . It can cause the most unusal weird feelings and sensations but suppose its always good to make sure.. Good luck and hope you feel better soon..