View Full Version : Cant Sleep

22-11-09, 09:18
So, last night I only got 3 hours of sleep..and its looking the same tonight. I cant fall asleep. I have to get up for work in 3 hours. Can anyone help? Im so anxious right now.:weep:

26-11-09, 15:44
I was buying Melatonin off the internet ( is banned here but the Americans use it for jetlag) it's herbal.

Worked wonders for getting me off when i was having bother sleeping.


26-11-09, 16:53
I wouldn't recommend using melatonin unless a GP specifically prescribes it.

I know it is not banned over there but you should definitely not buy any medication off the internet.

Have you read the sticky thread I did on sleep problems?

26-11-09, 20:04
I am fine dropping off to sleep i just bolt upright in the middle of the night and feel my heart racing and then i am awake, its horrible.

Do you read?, i often finds that helps me to relax a little

26-11-09, 21:11
You guys are not alone. I've had 2 hours sleep lastnight and then woke up feeling like I was going to die or something. I keep waking up at like 4 or 5 am and cant get back to sleep :/

26-11-09, 21:17
I do try to get back to sleep but its impossible sometimes, i find it better to just get out of bed and switch my laptop on so it takes my mind off things

26-11-09, 21:22
When you lie down.. tune everything out.. let your body just melt.. its hard to do I know but no matter how worried I am It happens. Just blank your mind.. relax your body and before you know it .. you will be asleep. I have to fight this problem all the time. My mind is so active..But try to just let all your body go limp and close your eyes and try to focus on the dark and quite and don't think.. Hope this helps.. Michael

26-11-09, 21:35
I have had major problems sleeping for about a week now averaging between 4 and 5 hours per night.
I'm waking at least twice with very disturbing thoughts and although I don't fight them and try to ignore them, it's impossible. I've done the usual warm milk/bath/book routine and it's not working, I think tiredness may be contributing to my mood at the moment.
I'm feeling exhausted as I'm writing this but am actually a bit fearful of gong to bed because I know that it's going to be a rough night.

26-11-09, 21:44
I'm the same ladybird hate nighttime . I havet had nites sleep in ages keep waking at between 4am-5am every nite and cant get back over.No matter what time i go to bed.

26-11-09, 23:05
I too sometimes dread sleep time. Lately .. we have been getting up around noon and the sun goes down about 5pm so its weird and then as the night progresses you sit here and look around and think ,didn't I just wake up and now its time to face sleep again.. ugh. Hope everyone is doing better soon. Michael

26-11-09, 23:14
Only advice I've been given that works is try to get into a routine. Dont lie in bed if your not aselep within 10mins. But the big one dont go to bed until you really really tired. I'm up at 6am and dont go to bed till 1am sometimes later but at least now im getting some sleep.
good luck

26-11-09, 23:47
I wouldn't recommend using melatonin unless a GP specifically prescribes it.

I know it is not banned over there but you should definitely not buy any medication off the internet.

Have you read the sticky thread I did on sleep problems?

Oops sorry, I'd bought it when i was in the states which is why i suggested it as i used the same place i was in the actual store of... Sorry I didn't realise i shouldn't ave posted that. :unsure: